10 Must-Know Social Media Tips to Promote Your Blog
It goes without saying that social media is the world’s trending tool for communication. You can use this unique way of communication to promote your blog on multiple social media platforms. Unlike shopping for cheap gadget insurance, promoting your blog through social media takes an ample amount of time.
Experts say you should spend four times more time promoting your blog than you should actually spend on perfecting your blog and writing blog posts. After all, if you spend too much time perfecting and writing it and no time promoting it, all your hard work will go unnoticed. With these ten tips, you’ll be on your way to having a successful blog with a large audience.
Be a Friendly Blogger
Being blogger-friendly will tremendously help you promote your own blog. Blogs are a form of social media, so it never hurts to share positive and friendly comments on another user’s blog page. You should leave comments on blog pages that have similar content to your own blog. Be sure to post the URL to your blog page at the bottom of your comment so that users who are looking at content similar to yours may see your comments on various blog posts and click on your link.
Write a Guest Blog Post
Writing a guest post for another blog is a brilliant way to promote your own blog. First you’ll have to contact bloggers with similar content to yours and ask them if you can write a guest post. If they agree and you write the post, be sure to add the URL to your blog somewhere in the post. This allows anyone reading your guest post to click over to your blog and will bring in a bigger audience for you.
Allow Guest Blogs on Your Blog
Once again, this is an excellent way to gain a bigger audience and promote your blog. Your guest writer will share their post with their own social media community, which in return will bring a bigger audience to your own blog. You still have to be selective and edit any mistakes the blogger makes. It’s still your blog and you want it to be perfect.
Encourage Social Sharing
Social sharing is one of the easiest ways to promote your blog using various social media platforms. Make it easy for people to share your content on their own social networking sites. Put social sharing links at the bottom of every post. If you don’t, it’s “out of sight, out of mind.” You can also highlight important or informative information in your post and add a “Click to Tweet” link. This option is extremely user friendly and allows users to instantly tweet what you’ve decided to highlight.
Incorporate Infographics
Infographics are the perfect eye candy for viewers on your blog. All you’re doing is pushing a whole lot of information into one small graphic. By doing this, you can put a “Pin this” button next to all your infographics. Who knows, maybe your pin will go viral on Pinterest; not to mention, you’ll bring in a different pool of viewers from Pinterest who are interested in your site.
Promote through Your Personal Social Media
Using your own personal social media outlets is another way to gain more viewers for your blog. Many people in your social media circle probably don’t know you have your own site, so be sure to let them know. You’ll want to use catchy titles or phrases when trying to promote your site. This will draw viewer’s attention to click on whatever you may be trying to promote for you blog.
Create a Twitter Account
You see it all the time: websites have a Twitter account that are specific to that website. Creating a Twitter account for blog is an ideal way to gain followers to your Twitter account and a bigger audience to your blog. Adding a “follow me” icon the sidebar on your blog will allow viewers to follow your blog’s twitter page immediately. Every time you tweet about a recent post, your new followers will be more likely to click on your post, whereas they may not have thought to come back to your blog if they didn’t follow you.
Tweet Your Blog Properly
How you tweet about your blog is just as important as the blog post itself. You want to write an attention-grabbing tweet, as well as being informative about your post, so other Twitter users will be drawn to your page. Using hashtags within your tweets are a great way to gain more followers and create a larger audience for your blog. For example, if your blog post was about web design, you would want to put #webdesign at the end of your tweet. Other Twitter users may be searching Twitter for good articles about web design and will come across yours.
Have Your Blog URL on Every Social Media Platform
Having the link to your blog posted on all your social media platforms is an easy way to gain followers. Almost every social media site has a personal profile section. At the bottom of that section should be the link to your blog site. The human mind is a curious one and social media users are sure to click on your site if they see it.
Update Your LinkedIn with Your Blog Site
National and international headhunters are constantly on LinkedIn recruiting new employees to their organisation. Updating your LinkedIn site with your blog posts is the perfect way for recruiters to see your most recent work. You can also send the link to your blog to LinkedIn groups; however, you need to be an established part of the group before posting your link and make sure the link you are sending shows relevance and adds value to the discussion.
Promoting your blog should be fun, so have a good time getting your site out there. Don’t be frustrated if your audience doesn’t multiply immediately. Gaining a large audience and more followers takes time, so be patient and happy promoting!

Author: Iveta Ivanova
Iveta Ivanova is a web and technology enthusiast who lives in Dublin. She has lots of interests such as SEO, digital marketing and social media. Although she is fond of tech and gadgets, she basically loves blogging on different topics. For extra piece of mind make sure to invest in gadget insurance for your gadget. Follow her on Twitter @IvetaSIvanova.
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Tags: blogging, social media, tips & tricks, web development resources, website promotion
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