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8 Tools to Make Desktop Apps on Any Devices

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Technology has turned various impossibilities to possible and promising facts for today’s men. A few years back, we couldn’t even think to make our personal computer portable and now we are taking it with us even while travelling in the shape of laptops.


Smartphones are considered to be the most important part of our lives. We have made ourselves quite paralyzed and dependent upon machines. We do not even bother to calculate a small amount manually rather we put it at our smartphone calculator to get the results. No doubt that technology has saved lots of time by doing things rapidly and increased the value of multi-tasking.

As we know that till the day, there have been so many things which we can do only on our desktop and not our smartphones, that is not an issue anymore. Stated below is the list of tools you can pick from to use desktop apps at other devices.


1. Winium

Winium is newly introduced and its yet in a testing mode. It’s an open source selenium based framework which basically consists of three main parts. Firstly, it supports test automation on Win. Applications, secondly, it supports test automation on windows phone as well which makes it even more strong. Thirdly, it supports test automation on windows phone operating system’s base structure which includes notification bar, home buttons and toggles etc.

Advantages of Winium:
If you are already familiar of selenium based web driver, you will be facing no difficulties using this as well. Because it is using the same API so you will go smooth with it.

Disadvantages of Winium:
As it is a newly introduced project and the API is still under construction. There are few things that are not as matured as other tools of this category. If you are planning to go with Winium, we will suggest you to wait for a while until it is fully ripe.

2. LDTP (Linux Desktop Testing Project)

This project was started with Linux but today it is supporting Windows OS (cobra version) and MAC (PyATOM version). It comes with its own editor and recording is also included with many features of this framework. It is quite demanding and highly appreciated framework due to its rich features.

Advantages of LDTP:
It comes with a rich vocabulary and due to this it is most compatible as compared to other tools in this family. It also includes performance monitoring while implementing test on an app.

Disadvantages of LDTP:
The documentation isn’t sufficient enough and so many pages are left broken. Due to this its API is hard to understand for the new users. It is such a wonderful tool but due to its incomplete documentation, it is not highly appreciated by the users.

3. TestStack.White

White, was started as a small project at first but then it went with TestStack which already presents a combination of open source code projects for both manual and automated testing. It is another library which is used to automate desktop applications. It supports a wide range of automation technologies: Any language that is supported by .NET can be used to write white tests. It is supporting WPF, WinForms, SWT, Win32 and Silverlight as well.

Advantages of White:
It supports .NET programming languages and it allows automation on various technologies.

Disadvantages of White:
It requires installation of UI automation variety library. Its impressive API is easy to use which makes it highly demanding open source project.

4. AutoIT

AutoIT is basically a small footprint tool that is used to simulates keyboard and mouse clicks. It doesn’t require any configuration to work as it is a unique tool. AutoIT comes with out-and-out ID. It has its own scripting language which it uses for coding and recording as it is capable for both features. The tested application’s binary files are activated through AutoIT using a specific reflection. Its scripting language is quite similar to BASIC syntax.

Advantages to AutoIT:
It supports regular expression so it is quite compatible and most used tool of this family. There is chances that the development process will include dedicated add-ons. This coming version will be called AutoItX. It also allows the disseminating of such executable file which we will be using independently outside the project.

Disadvantages of AutoIT:
This tool is quite easy to use and practical but as we know that it uses a special coding language, users must have its knowledge before using it.

5. PyWinAuto

pywinauto is a GUI computerization library written in immaculate Python and all around produced for Windows GUI. At its least complex it enables you to send keyboard and mouse activities to exchanges and controls on both Windows and Linux, while more perplexing content construct activities are bolstered with respect to Windows just up until this point (Linux AT-SPI support is a work in progress). It is a Python library that gives an accumulation of capacities that make operations on Windows (controls and windows exchanges). The library introduces a wide arrangement of operations, is clear and easy to use.

Advantages of PyWinAuto:
It is a library as we have discussed before, so it doesn’t require any specific setup or installation. It is most suitable library for the professionals who have already dealt with python.

Disadvantages of PyWinAuto:
No specific disadvantages except this that the users who have already used it before, will need to open a new python project.

6. Sikuli

Sikuli is quite different from all other tools of this family due to its image recognition. It recognizes the objects by images and the whole process is executed through a background engine. It is an interesting fact that Sikuli works by comparing the image pixel to pixel at Bitmap formation. This specification makes this tool quite different from all others which work through object properties.

The automation tool accompanies its very own IDE, which incorporates an exceptional scripting dialect and an API to which it’s conceivable to interface in Java and C#. Moreover, Sikuli offers perception and utilitarian tests.

Advantages of Sikuli:
Since the strategy of looking at pictures doesn’t depend on protest properties, Sikuli can translate all that we’ll make – while executing one test, it is conceivable to check a DB table, a Windows window, additionally a versatile application and a reaction from the server without commitment any endeavors or uncommon designs.

Disadvantages of Sikuli:
Steady upkeep of the current pictures stock for every item change.

7. Robot class / Win.form class

These instruments are unmistakably not quite the same as the rest, in the way that they aren’t straightforwardly ordained as test automation devices for desktop applications, yet go about as classes to recreate exercises of the console and mouse. Though, the Robot Class could be utilized with Java and Win.form is for .Net.

Author: Jenny Campata

Jenny Campata has been working with writing challenged clients for over three years. She provides ghostwriting and ghost editing service as well. Currently, she is providing custom essay writing service via for the student of college and university.

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