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Which is the Best Online Dictionary and Thesaurus (Top 30)

Updated on by in Web Tools

If you are student, teacher, or perhaps you are working in publishing, P.R. or advertising companies, it will be useful to have a dictionary on hand to fix some words or check typos. However, what if you have a huge amount of words to check and you want to do it fast, there is where online dictionaries come in place. Today we would like to show you our top 30 of best online dictionaries, thesauri, and definition aggregators. Just give them a try now and forget about your heavy and thick conventional dictionary. Full list after jump.

top_30_of_ best_online_dictionaries_and_thesauri

Dictionaries and Thesauri is one of the largest and most trusted free online dictionaries. Quickly find accurate definitions and audio pronunciations of words.
Over 17,000 entries. Find synonyms, antonyms, and brief definitions.

Aggregator of definitions, encyclopedia entries, and language translations.

The Free Dictionary
General and subject dictionaries for financial, legal, and medical terms.

Google Dictionary
Returns definitions from around the Web.

Urban Dictionary
Dictionary of contemporary American slang. Not appropriate for children.

Web MD
Thousands of medical entries from abdomen to zygote.

Multilingual dictionary and thesaurus written and edited by the public.

Based on the print version of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster (Visual Dictionary Online)
6,000 full-color images; 20,000 terms with contextual definitions.

Easy-to-understand explanations of more than 16,000 medical terms.

Cambridge Dictionaries Online
Search multiple dictionaries from Cambridge University Press.

Dictionary for computer and Internet terms.

Your Dictionary
Definitions, thesaurus entries, spelling, pronunciation, and etymology results.

Acronym Finder
Dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations. Contains over 750,000 definitions.

Wolfram Mathworld
Source of mathematical definitions and concept explanations.

Aggregator of definitions, images, and word usage statistics.

Oxford Dictionaries
Oxford’s Compact English Dictionary contains 145,000 words and definitions.

Directory and search engine for acronyms and abbreviations.

Financial glossary with a comprehensive index of 7,500 definitions.

Macmillan Dictionary
British English and American English dictionaries.

Meta-search tool indexing 13 million words from 1,000 dictionaries.
Concise, easy-to-read definitions from The People’s Law Dictionary.

Visual Thesaurus
Displays a unique visualization of connections between words.

4,000 cross-referenced definitions of marketing terms.

Webster’s Online Dictionary
Dictionary of modern language usage with multilingual thesaurus translation

Definitions for thousands of terms in the field of technology and communication.

Search over 200,000 medical terms, ICD-9 codes, hospitals, and more.

Collins Language
Search Collins online language dictionaries and thesaurus in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian for free.

Provides dictionary and thesaurus definitions, spelling, pronunciation, crossword solving, and all your reference needs.

Word Tools

Writing tool for poetry, song lyrics, greeting cards, and more.
Remarkable, robust anagram lookup service from Wordsmith.

One Across
Find answers to crossword puzzles, anagrams and cryptograms.


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