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Tag: anti spam

10 Types of Email Titles Most People Will Ignore

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Believe it or not, email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels for businesses. After all, the people on your list have already given you permission to email them, so they must be at least somewhat interested in your product or your company. But we all get a lot of email, every single day. Be honest — how many emails from companies do you open, and how many do you delete as soon as they come in?


The best way to get people to open your email is by giving it a great title. The title is the first thing your subscribers see, and if it isn’t a good one, it will probably be the last thing they see before sending your important message straight to the trash. There is a lot of good advice out there about how to write an email title that people will pay attention to. Here are 10 types of email titles that most people will ignore. Read more…

10 Best Tips: How to Find the Best Antivirus Software

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Do you have antivirus software on your computer? If you answered no, then you might want to reconsider installing something. Antivirus does precisely what it sounds like – protects your device from viruses and malware that floats around the internet. Malware is malicious software that is intended for harming your computer, and possibly stealing and harming personal information that you have stored.


Nowadays, it’s pretty easy to get a virus if you don’t have protection. There are many types of malware out there that you may click on one without even realizing it. There is adware, or malvertisement, which is an advertisement infected with a virus. Quite often it comes in the form of pop up ads, but it can also take the shape of legitimate ad space, making it hard to detect. Read more…

15 Tips to Prohibit Spam Comments to Your WordPress Site

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It is safe to say that you are getting a ton of spam comments on your WordPress blog? You’re not alone. In the other hand, it is also necessary to tackle it or if you will damage your website reputation with commentators and readers. Therefore, it is essential for you to handle the spammers as well as halt their efforts while spamming your WordPress site.


Gratefully in some past years, the developer has learned few approaches to battle remark spam in WordPress. In this article, mentioned list is the absolute most important hints, and WordPress modules to battle comment spam in WordPress. Read more…

15 Microsoft Defender like Free Antivirus for Windows 10

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According to the Cybersecurity Ventures predictions, financial losses from cyber crimes could reach 6 trillion dollars per annum by 2021. If that is not good enough to ring alarm bells for you then, cyber security market report by Cybersecurity Ventures will open your eyes. According to the report, global spending on cyber security will exceed 1 trillion dollars from 2017 to 2021.


With increasing number of cyber attacks, it is obvious why businesses are taking cyber security very seriously but what about individuals and personal users. They should also protect their computers from these attacks. The best way to do that is to install antivirus software. Although, Windows 10 comes pre-loaded with Windows Defender but it does not offer adequate protection. Read more…

20 Spyware Removal Tools to Protect Your Computer

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One of the first things you should install on your computer is top quality protection. Most people tend to assume that windows defender; the inbuilt software by windows will suffice. However, if you know anything about the spyware being created today, then you know that this is the last program you should trust. It may work on smaller viruses but will not recognize bigger and more dangerous malware. If you haven’t installed any spyware detection software on your computer, it may be difficult to know which is best considering that there are so many software in the market today.


Here are 20 of the best spyware that will protect your computer from harm. Read more…

20 Spam Call Blocker and Spam SMS Blocking Apps

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In this time and age, we are lucky to avail many technological conveniences and mobile technology is one of them. Today, we can call anyone at the tap of a finger or download apps to help us find routes or locate a place. However, there are also certain glitches that come with advancement in mobile technology.


Spam calls and text messages are two of the common forms of this type of technology. They can be a headache some and let others intrude into our privacy. However, there are several apps that can be downloaded to alert you of a scam call so that you can prevent any privacy invasion. Some of them deserve a mention here: Read more…

Top 20 Apps to Block Spam Calls and Text Messages

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Cell phones accompany the user day and night. Other than calling, cell phone are also used for playing games for checking the Facebook or twitter several times a day. This much cell phone addiction has also increased the risk of getting an unwanted call or text messages. These unwanted calls might be a political call during the season of election, an aggressive telemarketing call, a call from a scammer of even from ex-lover that you don’t want to speak anymore. These spam messages and nuisance calls distract you if they are frequently coming. These unwanted calls would bug you at work, interrupt your dinner or these calls might wake you up at midnight.


Unwanted calls are invading privacy by notifying the user at the wrong time and place. There are numerous apps which can rescue you by blocking these unwanted calls and messages. Read more…

10 Ways How Hackers Attack Your Social Media Accounts

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A decade ago, it was simply our personal computers that we wanted to protect when it came to computing. However, nowadays the stakes are much higher and the things we have to worry about in much greater numbers. For instance, the banking accounts that we use online or even social media can be the target of attacks. That’s why Facebook more or less recently launched partnership with Kaspersky in order to make their whole experience more secure. Along with that, were launched some pages and exclusive content explaining how exactly the dynamics of security really worked when it came to social media.


Did you know your social media content and activity could be at risk? Read more…

Top 20 Popular Online Scams and Dangerous Frauds

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Internet these days is full of frauds and scams; you think you are looking at something but it may turn out to be the exact opposite of it. As much advantages as an Internet offers to every person, there are also a number of scams attached with this experience that you must look out for. Such scams can affect a person one way or the other without them even realizing it.


If you are also among those who are tired of being hit by several online scams, then below you will learn the top 20 online scams that should be avoided at all costs: Read more…

23 Best WordPress Anti Spam Plugins

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Which is the best anti spam plugin for WordPress blog? WordPress is a very popular content management system that loads with various blogging security features, and that includes spam filtering. If you think that the built-in anti spam feature isn’t enough, and you’re looking for something more sophisticated. Below we’ve listed 23 anti spam plugins which can provide you extra features for effectively fighting spam on WordPress blog. We also recommend some useful captcha anti spam plugins for your consideration.


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