Posted on
December 27th, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
As the world gets more digitally driven and the number of smartphone users increase, there are rising concerns about how individual and corporate privacy may be protected. In the light of the Snowden files, people have become more aware about the reality of privacy breaches and digital intrusion. Suddenly your personal details or files may not be so personal anymore.
To guard against cyber-ware and malicious attack, here are 20 privacy protection apps you can install on your mobile. Read more…
Posted on
October 29th, 2024
by Quertime Team in Web Tools
In an increasingly digital world, privacy and security are top priorities for internet users. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer a reliable solution to browse the internet safely, hide your IP address, and secure your online data. With so many VPN services available, selecting the right one can be a challenge, especially when considering both functionality and cost. Free VPN services are a great starting point for users looking to experience basic online privacy without committing financially. While premium VPNs tend to offer advanced features like faster speeds, more server locations, and dedicated customer support, free VPNs provide essential privacy protection, making them an excellent choice for casual users.
This article explores the 20 best free VPN services, each offering unique features designed to help users browse the web anonymously. From strong encryption and data protection to bypassing geo-restrictions and hiding browsing activities, these VPNs offer diverse options for secure and unrestricted internet access. Whether you’re a frequent traveler, a remote worker, or simply someone interested in maintaining your privacy online, these VPN services can help ensure a safe and anonymous online experience without the price tag of premium subscriptions. Dive in to find the perfect free VPN for your browsing needs. Read more…
Updated on
October 14th, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
Passwords are arguably the most critical element of cybersecurity in the information age, establishing the first layer of protection against potentially disastrous implications of unauthorized access to private information. Yet, many people continue to make critical mistakes in creating and managing their passwords, which can leave them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This article provides some common password mistakes along with relevant advice on how to avoid them.
Posted on
June 5th, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Mobile
“It is by chance we met… by choice we became friends.” – Anonymous. Do you want to play with your friends by sending them anonymous messages? Well, you are in the right place. Every year I and my team find out best mobile apps for users. In today’s article, let me just show you the most popular iOS and Android Chat Apps that you can use to send messages anonymously. As the chatting has become a tradition now and an easier way to get in touch with other people out there.
Sending an anonymous messages is a brilliant idea that will leave your friends surprising who you really are. In the Mobile App Market today, you can find a lot of applications that will provide you with free text message services anonymously. However, it is only a small number of good apps that will allow you to send anonymous text message and without any charges. Read more…
Posted on
May 2nd, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
Generally, I am quite good at techy stuff and I thought I had protection against the malware and spyware, I felt confident that I never have to combat cyber attack. But to my surprise, recently I have been a victim of cyber-attack. Yes, just like anybody else I also had a harrowing experience. I immediately called up one of my best friends Jason, who is well-versed in dealing with cyber attacks and related issues. He really proved helpful in getting me out of this technical ordeal but at the same time he did gave me some tips that will protect me from such attacks in future like setting difficult passwords, clearing browsing history and changing passwords regularly.
As Jason was doing his techy stuff, meanwhile I started a topic of the most destructive cyber-attacks in the history. He said that he has a fair knowledge of the most notorious cyber attacks that have taken place so far. He started by saying that the main culprits behind all this hacking thing are the hackers or ‘hactivists’ (he joked). Read more…
Posted on
January 30th, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Info & News
Words cannot fully encapsulate just how important it is to know what your kids do on the internet. To minimize the impact social media has on your children, limit their internet time, learn what challenges your children face and don’t simply brush off your child’s concerns as “kids being kids.”
Below are the stories of 10 bright young children who cut their lives short after endless streams of online hate messages and bullying. Read more…
Posted on
January 18th, 2024
by Quertime Team in Mobile
Today, we live in a world where technology has developed far and wide. Technological developments have influenced the way we communicate with our friends, family, relatives, and acquaintance. We can find a lot of messaging apps these days that help us to communicate with people around us or chat with our beloveds.
Chatting has become a common communication activity in the modern age. Many of the companies around the globe have come up with most secured messaging appsin order to aid people to chat with their lovers, friends, family, and acquaintance. Read more…
Posted on
January 18th, 2024
by Quertime Team in Mobile
Privacy and security have become paramount concerns for individuals seeking confidential conversations. As we navigate the vast landscape of messaging apps, a surge in the demand for discreet and secure communication has given rise to a variety of secret chat apps. In this article, we explore the top 25 best secret chat apps that cater to those who prioritize confidentiality in their online exchanges.
From end-to-end encryption to self-destructing messages, these apps offer a range of features designed to safeguard conversations from prying eyes. Whether you’re sharing sensitive information, discussing personal matters, or simply valuing your privacy, these secret chat apps aim to provide a secure environment for your digital dialogues. Read more…
Posted on
January 9th, 2024
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
It’s a matter of technological development that these days we have countless ways of digital connection and communication. These technologies exist all over the world and are available for every person, who has a smartphone, a laptop or a computer with Internet connection.
Such automated processes of interference are beneficial, as they provide us with fast, free or low paid, means of getting information, sharing and exchanging data. However, every fairy tale has its stumbling stone and in the case with modern technologies, we can speak of stealing personal information and its usage for harmful and dangerous purposes.
Experts in this field know that everything can be hacked; nevertheless, there is a way out. Read more…
Posted on
August 15th, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
On average, business owners lose $35 million worth of good to shoplifters every day, something that worries them a lot. Besides petty theft in business premises, detrimental domestic crimes create a substantial amount of fear among American inhabitants.
Now if hiring a security guard is not an option, how else can you protect your family, business, and home? It is simpler than what you can imagine! Read more…
Posted on
May 3rd, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
Technology is creating new ways for us to stay connected. But as the internet and smart devices make our lives more convenient than ever before, we also run the risk of losing out on something equally important – our privacy.
Individual privacy is under a constant assault in the age of the internet. With government surveillance, companies tracking our every move while digging for personal data, and cybercriminals out to strip us of our cash, the online world can be a very vulnerable place indeed. Read more…
Updated on
March 11th, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
As a user, we are always kept in the dark, but Google knows everything about people connected over the internet. Using any product of the giant gives an edge to the company to harvest as much data as it requires. If you use Gmail, Google Drive or any of its services on your smartphone, the company uses and asks for multiple data to make its services better and users have to provide it. Just by skimming through the privacy policy, you will find that Google has access to every bit of information on users but how it knows about the data is the real deal. Majority of the times users are not sure what the giant is asking or demanding and with complete innocence, we agree to its term and conditions without going to the lengthy list of detailed clauses.
To find out more let’s dive in to see what Google knows and how you are feeding information to it.
Updated on
April 18th, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
With the use of the best anti-malware program, you will have peace of mind. Basically, it aids in the prevention, detection, and removal of malicious software on IT systems and computing devices. It helps to get rid of the infection that can be caused by viruses, spyware, and ransomware, among others.
If you are looking for the best anti-malware software that can be used this 2019, you will surely be confronted with a long list of alternatives, each claiming to be superior to their counterparts. To make a well-informed decision, keep on reading the rest of this post and we’ll list down five of the top choices that should be on your radar! Read more…
Updated on
January 31st, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
There are a lot of VPNs on the market. Each one has its pros and cons. The following is a list of 30 of the most popular VPNs. When deciding on the ideal VPN solution, it’s important to do your research. There are important factors like logging policies and where the servers are located, so it’s worth looking at a list of VPNs rated and tested to determine the safest options. For more info about VPNs check out below Privacy Tools.
Updated on
January 16th, 2019
by Quertime Writer in Cyber Security
At a time when even tech giants like Apple and Facebook aren’t safe from hackers, what surety do we have about being completely safe against the most notorious hackers and cybercriminals? Cybercrime has evolved over the past many years. No matter whichever device you use, it can be hacked by any seasonal hacker.
In this scenario, it is necessary that you make use of tools that can help prevent cyber attacks on your devices and keep your data private. For this to happen, you’ll need a series of privacy tools and mobile apps that can help secure you against every threat lurking on the internet. Read more…