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Tag: search engine

Top 25 Shopping Search Engines to Grab Great Deals

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There are a number of shopping search engines but if you are wondering which ones offer the best prices and deals, here is a list where you can find great deals and bargain discounts while shopping online for electronics, clothing, accessories, cosmetics etc.


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Top 14 Reverse Image Search Engines

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Sometimes we may find it difficult to search good images on search engines while surfing the internet. This issue just not only wastes much of time of surfers but also demotivates a searcher in finding related information of that image.


To address this problem, there are some good reverse image search engines which quickly make it able to discover desired image and all the related information of a particular image. It all can be done by just uploading a picture or copying URL address of that picture on a reverse image search engine. Read more…

Top 20 Best Mobile App Search Engines to Find Cool Apps

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Times are changing. The world is going ‘mobile’ and the use of mobile apps is skyrocketing. With millions of apps to hand-pick from, users are bound to be in a dilemma about the one to select. To help you with that and to make sure that you install the best ones, here we are listing down the chart topping mobile app search engines, which will excavate deep into the app stack to find something that you really need!


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Top 25 Educational Search Engines for Students and Academic Researchers

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There are many things you will love and hate doing while at the university or college, and research is one of them. You will love it for the new exciting things you discover, but hate it for the tedious hours of digging into thousands of pages both online and at the library. One thing that will for sure save you a lot of stress is having reliable sources and useful websites to dig into more effectively.


Every university has its own database that you are encouraged to use under your username. But in order to produce a good piece of work, you must consider as much relevant information as possible. So below is a list of handpicked search engines that can be used for academic purposes. Read more…

Top 30 Best Job Search Engines and Job Boards

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Searching for a new job is not as hard as it was before. With so many amazing and devoted job boards and search engines, it has become relatively easier to find any job based on your position.


Picking the job of your dreams has never been easier than just picking one of the websites mentioned below according to your niche and preferences. Read more…

Top 20 Tips for First-Time Airbnb Hosts

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Airbnb is an excellent way to get some extra money for the nights you are not making use of your property or if you have an additional room, however how can you do hosting easting easier? Below are the 20 tips to make your first experience as simple as possible.


Airbnb is a host sourced accommodation platform that enables ordinary individuals to put their extra rooms, spaces, and places for other people to live in. you can place up a whole spare room, house or apartment. Guest book and give hosts a nightly charges set up before time. Read more…

20 Icon Search Engines and Libraries Designers Should Know

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Icons – “We’ve come a long way, baby.” Just consider how far icons have come since Xerox first developed theirs


to Microsoft’s Windows 7. Read more…

Why Mobile is the Future and Top 5 Mobile Search Engines

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This is the age of mobile. We love our phones, which are super-devices that do everything for us. Well, almost. The number of smartphone users globally stood at 1.6 billion in 2015, with the figure expected to rise to 2 billion in 2016. The proliferation of mobile devices means that more and more people are now carrying out an increasing number of searches through their phones and tablets. Google receives more queries on mobile than through desktop searches.


Consider that 44 percent of Yahoo’s U.S. organic search traffic originated from mobile devices. Google had the highest share of organic mobile search traffic with 47 percent. That is a tremendous opportunity for businesses to be found. After all, Internet search is a lot more convenient with mobile phones. Why bother powering up your laptop when your phone can carry out that very same search and it’s right there in your pocket? Read more…

40 Most Funny Google Search Suggestions

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In today’s time, browsing the web comes off as a routine just like how brewing some good cup of coffee is a routine every morning when we wake up. This has become a natural part of living in the digital age. Of course, sitting in front of your computer, laptop, or even mobile phone in hand, every single day, you will find yourself surfing the internet for hours and hours. With that, let it be said that we have also come to familiarize ourselves with searching hundreds and thousands of things to look for information that we want because let’s face it, we humans, are very curious in nature. Only then do we also realize that we rely on search engines to provide these said information.


Admittedly, we all go to Google and ask numerous questions to look for answers just like how we turn to helpdesk services. And in turn Google will automatically provide us the information we need that are mostly delivered by other people like us who share their experiences and the like through the internet. Read more…

20 WordPress Plugins to Enhance the Search Function

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If you run a WordPress website, you’d probably know the limitation of the basic search functionality it comes with. Visitors not always find it easy to locate a particular thing on a website that has hundreds and thousands of articles. Therefore, it is always a bright idea to provide them a powerful search feature that allows them to find what they are looking for. Fortunately, WordPress has millions of plugins available to help you integrate advanced search functionality.


Here is the list of 20 WordPress plugins to enhance the search function of your WP site: Read more…

15 Ways Google Collects Your Private Info and Data

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Google and “privacy” are two words that have never gotten along well. The industry leader has often been accused of going too far in their data collection on users. There is very little that the company cannot know, and this should alarm you. They act benevolent now and promise to never share data maliciously, but promises can be broken and power structures changed. Chances are that when Google gets a new CEO, they will still have your data, and they will still be able to damage you with it.


Here are 15 methods that Google can and will use to collect your personal information: Read more…

10 URLs to Find out What Google Knows About You

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The idea that Google probably knows more than your therapist and lawyer is scary, isn’t it? Google, the world’s most popular search engine knows you inside out thanks to your search history. It keeps a track of all your online activities through various hidden tools and it’s really not that difficult for Google to spy on its users since most people use Google products like Chrome, Gmail, and YouTube.


Our online searches are often personal and we do not want the outside world to know about them. Discretion in this case is totally justified since every individual has a right to privacy. Moreover if others have access to your web search history it is quite easy for you to fall in the ‘getting hacked’ club since the anonymous hackers will have all the necessary information from your chrome history like your likes, dislikes and thus gain a general idea about your personality. Read more…

10 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Post for Search Engines

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Blogging isn’t just a scroll of a mouse. If you want to get high rankings in the search engine, it takes a great effort than just sitting down and waiting for views. Everyone might have heard of SEO and its benefits but let’s admit it, we don’t always have the time in the world to do both SEO and ensuring the business and product’s quality.


There is always an available writing service that could provide you with SEO. You may want to hire someone who could do your SEO or you make and write essay about it; but if you do not want to spend much, then read on and learn the methods of optimizing your blog posts. Read more…

28 Magical Things Google Search Engine Can Do

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Google is the world’s biggest and arguably one of the best servers in the world. The founder’s mission in 1995 was to develop a page ranking system based on the rules of academic citation. The founders of Google created this search algorithm with an idea of ranking pages based on how often any other pages cite. This is the very basic premise of Google that few of us can do without.


Here are 28 magical things Google search engine can do: Read more…

10 Ways to Control Google Indexing for Better Search Engine Results

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Every webmaster sets up the website or update website content with an only objective to make their business noticed by the online searchers. But this can only be possible, if the website content has good ranking in the search engine result page. Today, there are various search engines (such as, Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.) accessed by the online users and Google is the giant search engine with billions of users from all around the world. According to the survey, 90% of the webmasters prefer their content to be visible with good ranking at Google search engine. It shows that this giant search engine is imperative for every business, who wants to establish their company in the digital world.


Google search engine algorithm has been programmed to bring relevant content to the online searcher according to the query. It is not easy for any webmaster to develop the website content that can perform well on this search engine. Therefore, this blog brings to table some imperative tips from the industrial leaders. But before that, it is imperative to understand how Google search works. Read more…