24 Reddit Tips & Tricks You Can’t Miss out
Reddit is one of the biggest social networking sites and renowned as “The Front Page of the Internet”. The slogan is apt since it has given web users a platform to share and discuss different subjects. Anyone can register and create an account on Reddit. Many contributors, known as Redditors on Reddit, contribute by submitting content on Reddit and sharing it with other web users.
With so many Redditors, users and communities on Reddit, navigating the site can be a bit overwhelming for you. If you have never been on Reddit and are looking to dive into it, these top Reddit tricks are here to help you find the best content and to make the complex functionalities easier.
1. Understand the concept of SubReddits
For a new user, the front page may seem to be an explosion of too much information. So, one should first start with the comprehension of the subreddits. The subreddits are the classification of the Reddits as per various topics. For example, a user might be interested in photography so he/she would search for the subreddits that are relevant to photography.
2. Finding out the right sub-reddit
You can search for the apt subreddit in two ways. One is where you type a keyword and all the related subreddits show up. The other way is to click on “More”. It gives you options to select from a vast pool of in-depth sub-reddits. You can find any and many subriddets for every imaginable topic on this universe.
3. Easy Access to your sub-reddit
You can access your sub-reddit quickly by typing the name of the sub-reddit in front of the URL. For example: Instead of typing reddit.com/r/pics, you can just enter the name of that sub-reddit in front of the URL and in this case it is: pics.reddit.com.
4. Styling the comments right
Styling is very important when writing a comment. Reddit supports the use of Unicode characters in comments, so you can freely play around with those and make your presence count. Ones who know how to use the Markup Syntax, well you have a bright possibility to get noticed.
5. Follow the relevant people
It is said that you should surround yourself with those whom you idolize. If you want to be a marketer surround yourself with the marketers. So, follow the relevant redditors so that the people of that community notice you and you get to make new contacts with the ones who are interested in your area of interest. To add a user, click on preference and then click on friends and then type in the Redditor’s username you wish to follow.
6. Club the similar subreddit into multi-reddit
There are myriad sub-reddits which may have redundant stuff posted at times. So,to prevent you from such repetitive information reddit gives you the ability to club the similar sub-reddits into one multi-reddit. In order to create a multi-reddit, log in to your account. Then press CREATE under MULTIREDDITS on the left side of the window. And then you give a relevant name to the multireddit (it is a kind of genre) and add the sub-reddits into it.
7. Power of the Random button
If you are bored and tires seeing the same old sub-reddits, then press the Random button to break the monotony of your screen with the random stuff coming up. Be careful it may turn up with anything as it completely justifies its name; RANDOM.
8. Linking Comments
If you want to link to a particular comment made by a Redditor, you can do that directly by using the permalink option on their comment. In case you want to link to a comment thread on Reddit but find that the URL is too long, you can use their shortlink which is displayed at the right sidebar.
9. Create a slideshow
Majority of the people use Photos as an effective way to exhibit their thoughts. In reddit you can view all the photos related posts as a slideshow without having the need to click on every photo individually. You can do so by adding a ‘p’ at the end of URL of the reddit: redditp.com/s/subreddit. And there you go, you can view the slideshow of all the post within the subreddit. This trick can help you with all the photos related sub-reddits.
10. Use the Reddit Stream
Most of the comments turn out to be conversations so Reddit Stream gives you the ability to see live updates of the comments on the post. This is really a useful tip when it comes to live events like some match or reality show. To take benefit of this tip, add in -stream in the Reddit URL when you are in the comments section.
Example: www.reddit-stream.com/r/subreddit/comments/article.
11. Quote a Redditor
If you want to quote any redditor in the comments, highlight the quote in the question before pressing comment.
12. The Reddit Extension
You can reddit any link without having the need to open time and again. You simply need to add the reddit extension. Once you are done installing the extension, you will be able to vote, view comments or post the site to Reddit without actually opening reddit.
13. Reddit Enhancement Suite
Once you are friendly with reddit and can play with it very well, you can install the Reddit Enhancement Suite. It enhances the user experience with so many interesting features such as logging in as multiple users, an in-line image viewer, a never ending Reddit front-page, among others. Once you get into the habit of using R.E.S you would find it unbelievable that you had been using Reddit without it.
14. Reddit Gold
Reddit Gold is a premium membership program where you can subscribe to receive extra features on the site as well as enjoy other benefits. Some of the benefits include being able to perform the beta test for the latest Reddit features, no annoying ads, special offers from third parties and also the ability to access the exclusive, super secret subreddit, The Lounge. Although the price is low, Reddit has introduced a fun way to earn the membership as well.If you make too good a comment that the other users get so impressed they may gift it to you.
15. Reddit Metrics
This is an analytics tool that lets you track the statistics of subreddits and discover the fastest growing communities on reddit. It eventually helps you decide which communities you can follow and which sub-reddits you can add.
16. Subreddit Utilities
To work with the subreddits that you moderate on reddit, use Subreddit Utilities. With this tool, you can perform various tasks such as to reset the subreddit settings to default, to copy one subreddit to another or to take backups of subreddits.
17. RaaW
Reddit as a Weapon (RaaW) can be accessed through a small hover tab on the right side of the screen. It gives you the ability to add features, like page-wide up/down voting, domains without loading the page again, a button to show source for all comments, mails, and self posts, and a compose link to open a new message from any page.
18. Postanalyzer
It is a tool that allows you to graph data points of a specific post over certain time period; including points, comments, and rank etc. Despite its simplicity, it is so powerful that you cannot ignore to have this tool on your reddit.
19. Use the mobile reddit
When you open the site on mobile, you cannot view it properly. So, in order to open the mobile site you just need to add an i in the URL as shown:
This automatically changes the site according to your smartphone’s settings and you can browse easily.
20. Sort the Subreddit Submission
Sorting feature is a magical feature provided by almost every site. Without it we would have to go through each and every random stuff to find what we are interested in. Thankfully Reddit also provides sorting. On the top of the page, you are given the options to sort by the newest, the hottest or many such factors. But the best way to sort is using the top. Press it and there comes a list which asks you to sort from the best of the hour, week, month, year and for the very best, of all time.
21. Change the Interface Language
Many people prefer to read the posts in their native language. You can change the interface language by clicking on English on the top right corner of the site. Once you click on, you can select the language of your choice and in case it is not there or incomplete, you can volunteer to be a translator.
22. Unblock a Subreddit
Many a times, the Wi-Fi blocks access to certain subreddits. You can get out of this situation in two ways. One is to use HTTPS, as shown: https://pay.reddit.com. You can get through almost all reddits and browse easily. If only certain subreddits are blocked, there is an easier way to unblock it. For this you just need to add a +(plus) at the end of the subreddit’s name.
Example, www.reddit.com/r/photos+.
23. 0bservatory.com
0bservat0ry is a robust tool that allows you to see rankings of subreddits according to different parameters such as by popularity (activity), subscriber ranking, and ranking of moderators by subreddits moderated as well as subscribers moderated.
24. Do not assume your link will get on top just because it’s good
As it is said by the reddit team itself, having good content helps but that cannot guarantee for getting on the top. Be innovative and think out of the box. Break the monotony of thoughts and bring something that others may find fascinating a beyond imagination.
You cannot go with all these but surely some of these if implied correctly can reap you sweeter fruits. No tip can be useful until you put forth your creativity in it. Reddit is the fastest emerging platform so drawing a strategic plan right now may save you loads of time and money in the coming future.
Author: Ray W.
Ray W. is a freelance writer and WordPress developer. She is currently working with Essay-On-Time. She loves her dogs, and novels, and wants to travel the world.
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