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Tag: cyber attack

Top 20 Most Destructive Cyber Attacks in History

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Generally, I am quite good at techy stuff and I thought I had protection against the malware and spyware, I felt confident that I never have to combat cyber attack. But to my surprise, recently I have been a victim of cyber-attack. Yes, just like anybody else I also had a harrowing experience. I immediately called up one of my best friends Jason, who is well-versed in dealing with cyber attacks and related issues. He really proved helpful in getting me out of this technical ordeal but at the same time he did gave me some tips that will protect me from such attacks in future like setting difficult passwords, clearing browsing history and changing passwords regularly.


As Jason was doing his techy stuff, meanwhile I started a topic of the most destructive cyber-attacks in the history. He said that he has a fair knowledge of the most notorious cyber attacks that have taken place so far. He started by saying that the main culprits behind all this hacking thing are the hackers or ‘hactivists’ (he joked). Read more…

10 Shocking Cyberbullying Cases Should Never Happen Again

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Words cannot fully encapsulate just how important it is to know what your kids do on the internet. To minimize the impact social media has on your children, limit their internet time, learn what challenges your children face and don’t simply brush off your child’s concerns as “kids being kids.”


Below are the stories of 10 bright young children who cut their lives short after endless streams of online hate messages and bullying. Read more…

How to be Truly Anonymous Online – It’s Harder than You Think

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Technology is creating new ways for us to stay connected. But as the internet and smart devices make our lives more convenient than ever before, we also run the risk of losing out on something equally important – our privacy.


Individual privacy is under a constant assault in the age of the internet. With government surveillance, companies tracking our every move while digging for personal data, and cybercriminals out to strip us of our cash, the online world can be a very vulnerable place indeed. Read more…

Top 40 Best Free Web Proxies for Safe & Anonymous Surfing

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If you aren’t keen to employ a full-blown Virtual Private Network, but still want to anonymize your online identity, using web proxies could be the right way to go. These online tools act as an airlock between you and the sites you’d like to visit. Instead of being able to detect your IP address and other identifying information, sites will only see the proxy. So there should be no direct contact been you and the sites you use.


At least, that’s the idea. The reality is that some web proxy providers work brilliantly, while others provide very little protection. That’s why we’ve created the list below of 40 web-based proxies that won’t let you down. Read more…

Top 30 Best VPN Services to Stay Safe and Private Online

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There are a lot of VPNs on the market. Each one has its pros and cons. The following is a list of 30 of the most popular VPNs. When deciding on the ideal VPN solution, it’s important to do your research. There are important factors like logging policies and where the servers are located, so it’s worth looking at a list of VPNs rated and tested to determine the safest options. For more info about VPNs check out below Privacy Tools.


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Best Alternatives to Tor Browser

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The Tor Project, and their consumer-friendly Tor Browser package, is a great utility for Internet users who are concerned about their online privacy. Though it has been cited as being used for illegal and criminal activities, it isn’t inherently a tool for breaking the law. Rather, it’s based on providing freedom and security for users, to avoid government or other monitoring of Internet traffic, bypass restrictions to browsing, and help keep users’ “identity,” in the form of their IP address, safe and secure.


This is similar, in many ways, to the benefits offered by a VPN service. But, there are significant differences. Here, we’ll take a look at VPNs, proxies, and the Tor Browser, and how they compare and contrast to one another. Read more…

Can E-cigarettes be Used to Hack Computers?

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Scientists and fans of electronic cigarettes have long agreed that it is safer to vape than to smoke a conventional cigarette. But not in all spheres of activity it is harmless, for most technological processes and machines the device can cause damage.


Innovations in technology shock modern people. If earlier there were only movies about cyber attacks and science fiction novels, now it is the part of the everyday reality. Read more…

Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 Certification Exam

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The future of technological development has proven to be promising with the world greatly embracing all the numerous advantages that come along with the network systems wave. This is evident through universal trends like Bitcoin as technology takes the center stage in managing some of the crucial human life aspects that include the economy, social interaction, and employment.


According to the expert’s studies and predictions, there is a great growing demand for personnel who can ensure the individual’s and firm’s network systems remain secure against any possible forms of threat. This goes without saying since the increase in positive technological development has significantly led to increasing network systems threats by hackers who develop malignant viruses. Read more…

7 Practices to Keep Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency from being Stolen

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Keeping your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency safe should be top priority. After all, there is a lot of money at stake as your cryptocurrency continues to mature. However, the very nature of cryptocurrency makes it quite easy to steal, and protecting it can be challenging.


Since no financial institution offers a layer of protection for cryptocurrency, like Bitcoins, you will need to add extra layers of protection to secure your holdings. Read more…

20 Sites to Download Free Full Version Antivirus Software

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Defensive software must be installed on each computer today. Nowadays, this has become especially important – hacker attacks are not uncommon now. But it’s nice that high-quality and popular protection programs are available absolutely free today.


Below listed are 20 great sites where you can download chargeless full version antivirus software: Read more…

15 Ways to Check If Your Online Data Was Stolen

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Today, cybercrime is a huge threat to businesses and individuals alike, and the prevalence of cyber-attacks is only on the rise. Last year, over 4,000 ransomware attacks occurred daily – a 300% increase from the year prior. And that’s just one type of cybercrime.


If you’re concerned about your online security, there are plenty of ways to protect yourself from an attack. Simple options include updating your passwords, antivirus software, and apps frequently. For extra security, a good VPN provider (such as Avast) will help mitigate cybercrime risk over public Wi-Fi by encrypting your data. Read more…

15 Deadly Windows Security Flaws and Vulnerabilities

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Windows has a long history of critical security flaws and far-reaching vulnerabilities. WannaCry, a form of ransomware that takes access of the system away from the user, is just one recent example of these flaws being used to gain unauthorized access to remote systems.


It begs the question — what are some other security flaws and vulnerabilities that have affected the operating system over the years? Here are 15 examples. Read more…

12 Best Pro Hacker Apps to Hack Android Phones

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When we utter the word Hacker or hacking, some dangerous elements and images spur up in our imagination. However, hacking could be ethical and non-ethical, and unfortunately, we are aware of the only non-ethical side of hacking and hardly familiar with ethical means of hacking.


The term ethical hacking straightforwardly denotes various testing methods, particularly penetration testing where testers enter into the system, of course, with legal permissions, and carrying out various security breaching related tests. Read more…

15 Microsoft Defender like Free Antivirus for Windows 10

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According to the Cybersecurity Ventures predictions, financial losses from cyber crimes could reach 6 trillion dollars per annum by 2021. If that is not good enough to ring alarm bells for you then, cyber security market report by Cybersecurity Ventures will open your eyes. According to the report, global spending on cyber security will exceed 1 trillion dollars from 2017 to 2021.


With increasing number of cyber attacks, it is obvious why businesses are taking cyber security very seriously but what about individuals and personal users. They should also protect their computers from these attacks. The best way to do that is to install antivirus software. Although, Windows 10 comes pre-loaded with Windows Defender but it does not offer adequate protection. Read more…

15 Public WiFi Security Tips You Must Know

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Free public WiFi is a gift to all. Whether you are traveling and need to look up directions or you have a work emergency when you are out at a coffee shop, public WiFi provides an easy way to access the internet without running over on your data plan. Although it saves money and oftentimes helps you avoid a hassle, many people are not aware that public WiFi can be a trap.


In fact, it is relatively easy for ill-intentioned technology experts to set up their own WiFi hotspots in public places. Those who use these networks may unknowingly allow strangers to gain access to their personal information, including banking information, private emails, passwords, and other sensitive material they might browse. Read more…