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Archives – September, 2018

Top 30 Best Pet Safety Gadgets, Apps for Dogs & Cats

Updated on by in Hardware

A popular joke maintains that a pet dog’s thought process follows this formula: “They feed me, they pet me, they take me for walks…They must be gods!” This joke actually isn’t far off the mark. Dogs are natural pack animals, so everything to them exists in a strict hierarchy where the leader commands with absolute power, and the pack obeys. To dogs, you are their pack leader, and it is significant that you assert your authority early on.


When it comes to pet cats, we may not confirm the thought process that of dogs. But one thing is confirmed that when you own a pet cat or dog, you must show responsibility, and take great care of your pet. Read more…

Top 30 Infographic Templates & Vector Design Kits Download

Posted on by in Freebies

We all know how much of a valuable asset infographics are when we’re working on a presentation. They help us represent large heaps of data in a well-structured and intelligible way. Furthermore, a well-designed infographic will make your presentation much more engaging.


But we’re all well aware of the fact that they aren’t that easy to make. This is why it’s always a good idea to opt for high-quality templates off the Internet. This is why we’ve compiled a great list of infographic kits and templates, so you don’t have to. You can use them whenever you need to structure information but in a quicker and more sophisticated manner. Read more…

Top 10 Best Cloud Gaming Services to Play Online Games

Posted on by in Gaming

Our world is evolving with every passing day. Each day, a new piece of technology is invented which outdates similar technologies invented in the past. Cloud Gaming is one of these technologies which is slowly taking the gaming world by storm. Cloud Gaming aspires to replace PC gaming by providing an easy solution to some major gaming issues. One of the biggest issues with PC gaming is the cost that comes with the purchase of expensive graphics cards that are required for a good gaming system. We also have to add other parts to the gaming system which are equally expensive.


On the other hand, Cloud Gaming is much easier to setup and can be played on any device regardless of its specifications. What Cloud Gaming requires is a good internet connection with the right latency and you can stream and play any game you want on any device. Read more…

Virtual Reality History and VR Gaming Guide

Posted on by in Gaming

You did not experienced the “immersive experience” until you have tried VR (Virtual Reality). The Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, believes that VR can become our way to interact with computers. Jeff Lande, the founder of Lucky VR says that online, social and mobile gaming channels are also computer environments. He also adds that the VR opportunity goes beyond video gaming. The way humankind experienced entertainment through television, movies, sports and music could be transferred to VR.


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How to Find Mobile App Developer – 5 Important Tips

Posted on by in Mobile

Application development is one of the most rapidly growing and developing niches in IT. Demand spawns the offer so there are increasingly many developers out there on the market promising to put their heart and soul into your software project, be it even the most complex solution that you’re having in mind.


How to choose the most sufficient candidate or gather a prominent team, which would ask for a reasonable enough payment on top of providing top-notch professional skills? Let’s try to figure this ‘ultimate choice dilemma’ out. Read more…

How to Improve Leadership Communication – 9 Proven Tips

Posted on by in Self-Improvement

Leadership can be described as the ability of one person to motivate one or more others to change behavioral patterns and or to collaborate for a common purpose. Arguably, the most prominent means a leader has to influence others is the ability to communicate effectively with those in his or her charge.


In fact, one could argue that communication is the bloodline of an organization. It is the juice by which all business enterprises operate. If so, the ability to communicate effectively would be an imperative for any leader that wishes to lead his follower-subordinates well. Read more…

20 Best Internet Marketing Tips, Tricks and Techniques

Posted on by in Business

The dynamic development of social media has long attracted the attention of Internet marketers. Working in networked communities allows businesses to achieve large audience coverage at relatively low cost. However, all sorts of studies confirm an insignificant conversion rate of social traffic. This, in general, it is understandable. The behavior of the audience in social networks is different from the behavior in the search engines. While the audience spends more and more time in social networks, it does not use them to search for goods and services.


You can solve this problem by integrating the promotion in social media into your overall marketing plan. This will increase the effectiveness of the promotion of business on the Internet as a whole, as well as increase the effectiveness of promotional events in networked communities. Read more…

Top 20 Free Cloud-based Team Collaboration Tools

Posted on by in Web Tools

The foundation of any business relies on the streamlined collaboration between the employees that leads to productivity. Constructive teamwork ensures that less time is wasted getting your message across and more time is spent getting results for the organizations. Therefore, team collaboration tools and services can play a defining role in increasing the efficiency of your work by supplementing effective and frictionless communications.


Below is a list of cloud-based collaboration tools and services that can help a company achieve its primary goals by accelerating productive interactions: Read more…

30 Free Keynote Templates to Make an Outstanding Presentation

Updated on by in Freebies

Presentations can make your hours to make and yet can fail to fulfill the desideratum but making a presentation by using a free templates can save your precious time because you don’t have to spend hours to designs the slides you can simply edit the template slides according to your need and makes it to stand out. Following are 30 awesome keynote templates which can save your time and efforts but still can work out pretty well.


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Top 20 Most Impactful Technology Failures of All Time

Posted on by in Info & News

While technological advancements have benefited our lives in countless ways, the road to success has often been plagued by half-starts and outright disasters. We’re not talking about minor glitches, like Adobe Flash causing computers to crash or smartphones failing to charge on wireless charging pads, but major blunders that have led to major financial losses, deaths, and disgruntled consumers.


Read on to discover some of these cringe-worthy horror stories and the negative footprints they’ve left. Read more…

Best Practices for Crypto Wallets to Store Coins & Handle Keys

Posted on by in Cryptocurrency

Wallets are crucial for anyone who invests in cryptocurrency, whether planning to actively trade, invest and wait for the price of the coin to rise or spend crypto at retailers that accept them. Simply using a wallet is not enough, however, so you must also follow best practices to keep your crypto secure. Otherwise, you risk losing funds.


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