20 Best Gadgets to Spy and Track Someone
Do you have a suspicious feeling that someone close to you just isn’t being quite so honest when they tell you where they will be? Dreamed of being just like James Bond as you were growing up? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then this is just for you!
In today’s world, it’s best to do what we can to seek out the truth and get to know people as best as we can to keep our lives, hearts and homes safe from harm. If you have a little spy work to handle, these adult spy gadgets are what you need.
1. Spy Pen Camera
How can you be a true spy without a pen that doubles as a camera? This tool is widely known as a staple item in the spy kit and can work wonders when you need to snag a quick picture while out to dinner or just hanging out at the mall. You can order a spy pen from numerous spy kit and online retailers including Amazon and eBay. So, the next time you’re heading to dinner and think you may need to capture a little action when it’s time to sign your check, grab the spy pen and take it along in your pocket or purse.
2. Coin with Secret Compartment
Who would ever think to search your change purse for a SIM card, micro SD card or other small items. These coins have a secret compartment to place small items inside and once closed, they look just like the other coins surrounding them in a change jar, purse or other space you may keep coins.
3. Air Freshener Camera Recorder
Let’s face it, almost every home has an air freshener. Why not put it to use? If you have children who have a nanny, this is an ideal way to disguise a camera and keep tabs on how your kids are being treated while you’re away. Many people will check for nanny cams in teddy bears or in other toys, but people will seldom ever think to check an air freshener!
We all know how to look out the peephole to see who is at the door, but did you know you could get a tool that will allow you to see who’s inside the door when you knock? A peephole reverser will allow you to scope out a room before you enter. If you’re worried someone has been snooping in your home while you’re away, this tool can be a great way to catch someone in the act!
5. Rearview Spy Glasses
Rearview spy glasses are the perfect spyware for hanging out on the beach or walking through the mall. While they don’t have a video recorder, you can put them on to block out the sun and check out the scenery behind you. You could hire private security to watch your back, but with these rearview spy glasses, you can have fun watching things on your own. With tiny mirrors inside the glasses that only you will see, you can keep track of things going on behind your head. Perfect for keeping your eye on your spouse at a pool party!
6. Neck Tie Camera
Planning on going to a black-tie affair and worried someone may be trying to stab you in the back? You can feel like a world-renowned spy in your tuxedo that comes complete with a tie with a spy camera sewn inside. The tie has a small battery pack to ensure the camera stays powered during the party and you’ll be able to capture still scenes or even record video for several hours before the battery needs a boost of power.
Need to do a little spy work on someone else’s computer? With keylogging software, you will have no problem accessing your target’s computer and all it takes is a simple USB plug connected to the keyboard. Once connected and you have had time to record for a while, you can snag the USB plug, take it to your own computer and check out the things your target has been doing on their computer.
Remember the old days when all the coolest spies had the best night vision goggles and could see everything in the dark while their enemies could see nothing? Now you can be the cool one and take some time romping through the woods at night checking out the wildlife, or, wander through the house and see how neat it is to watch everyone sleeping. Of course, this may make you look like a stalker, so you may want to stick to wildlife and the woods at night. Night vision goggles are a must have for anyone who yearns to be a spy.
9. GPS Receiver
If you are a true spy fan, you have undoubtedly watched many films where a spy organization places a tiny box underneath a suspect’s car and then traces their every move as they drive across town.
While you must be careful where you fly a drone, you can enjoy sending one up in the sky and filming the world below to capture some cool imagery. Whether you’re checking in on the kids while they play in the backyard or you just want to get some nice scenic pictures of the shoreline near your house, a video surveillance drone is an ideal tool to use when you need pictures from a little higher up. Other uses for this type of surveillance, and one of the most important, is to use in a search and rescue mission. Drones are exceptional for use after a flood, hurricane, tornado or other dangerous incident and can assist with locating someone much quicker than a foot search.
11. Professional Voice Changer
A professional voice changer will be able to change your voice so well that your own mother wouldn’t recognize your voice. These are great for law enforcement to use when trying to track down a creep online but you can use them to see what a suspected cheater might do if a sexy woman, or man, gives them a call on their cell phone or tries to chat with them online. Lure them in with a nice picture and then see what they’ll say.
12. iPhone Power Case Spy Camera
Have an iPhone? Need to check up on someone when you aren’t with them? This spy camera case is compatible with the iPhone 4 and 4s and can take video or still shots. It’s easy to charge with a USB cable. Best of all, you don’t even have to have the actual iPhone to operate the camera! The case is password protected and easy to download your photos and video recordings.
13. Bionic Ear Amplifier
You may have seen a bionic ear advertised on a late-night infomercial, and if so, you might want to check one out. Ever been to a party or social gathering and wondered what people across the room were talking about when they seem to be hiding something? With a bionic ear amplifier, you can hear things for up to 50 feet away and depending on the brand and model, they can sound like they’re standing right in front of you.
14. Keychain Spy Camera
Do you loan your car to your girlfriend when you’re at work? Has she ever been late picking you up? These super small cameras are the perfect way to keep tabs on where she is and who she may be with. While she is most likely just driving home and playing on Facebook while you’re at work, it’s nice to know you can catch her in the act if she decided she’s bored with the internet and she finds someone else to hang out with while you’re working. It’s great to have evidence when you find out something is going on behind your back!
15. Envelope X-Ray Spray
Most paper mail these days is compiled of bills, bills and more bills. Occasionally however, an envelope may arrive in the mail addressed to your significant other and you don’t want to feel rude by opening it. So, what do you do? Instead of looking nosy, you get an envelope x-ray spray and you can see through the envelope without anyone ever knowing what you’ve done. Keep tabs on the mail, find out when it’s payday or catch a love letter from someone else when it shows up in the mailbox.
16. USB Flash Drive Voice Recorder
This device is good for business meetings or even private gatherings where you might need to recall what people talked about. You can record for several hours and replay everything later to help you remember the things you need to know.
17. Bushnell Digital Stealth View Binoculars
Binoculars are great for being able to watch things far from your location, but when you have stealth view, especially from Bushnell, you’ll have the vision of an owl and can enjoy seeing up to five times farther (up to 600 feet) than regular binoculars. They’re great during the day, but even better at night with built in infrared technology to ensure that you can see clearly even on the darkest nights.
18. Infidelity Semen Detection Test Kit
There is nothing worse than trying to sleep at night wondering where your man is and whether he is cheating on you when he says he’s at work. Now, you have a way to test those tiny little spots you find on clothing to see if it’s dirt, or semen. Labs use this same testing to check for semen at crime scenes and now, you can do it at home on your own. Made by Checkmate, the semen checker shows results in less than 5 minutes and includes a detailed step by step manual. Each kit includes 5 test kits so you can use it more than once, although let’s hope you never need to use it even once.
19. Computer Mouse Transmitter
Everyone needs a mouse when they use a desktop computer and many use a mouse with a laptop or tablet. If you’re suspicious about who your teen, spouse or other house guest may be talking to when you aren’t home, you can spy on them with a transmitter right inside the mouse.
20. Vehicle Safeguard Video Recording Camera
So, this could be considered a spy camera of sorts when you have a long trip planned and worry about accidents along the way. The vehicle safeguard video recording camera can be used to record accidents, possible drunk drivers, road rage and much more during a daily drive. You simply plug the camera into your cars cigarette lighter space and set it up on the dash to start recording.
While these spy gadgets are all fun to have and in many cases, a necessity to catch an unfaithful lover, a burglar or a bad nanny, you need to check with local ordinances before using them to ensure you can legally do so. If your gut tells you something is not right, then you should probably just go with your gut and move on. The spy life however, can be an exciting way to live day to day!

Author: Jason Mueller
Jason Mueller was influenced at a young age by Inspector Gadget the cartoon. He grew up wanting to be James Bond later on in life. He has helped the company First Security Services with video surveillance.
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Tags: gadget, gps navigation, privacy & security, technology
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