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Tag: internet

15 Biggest Predictions for the Future of the Internet

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Internet has become a big word. Well, I’m certainly not talking about the number of characters. But rather its ambit! We already live in an age when nothing goes well without internet. This would be so much more in the time to come. Just imagine, new born of 2025 may ask their newly become parents to bring a special smart app to feed them or say your boss in the year may even assign you work and get it delivered via videos and more videos.


This is ironical to what Dr. Mike Short, an expert from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, has predicted about Mobile phone’s future, “…in future we’ll move towards fuller data services such as video- much more video to video calling, much more screens on the wall in your home, may be more video television downloaded.” Read more…

15 Things You Should Never Post Online

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The World Wide Web is not simply accessible today – it is omnipresent: people use Internet for shopping, catching a ride and talking to one another. No wonder such a massive thing that has taken over our lives is being abused today. Online fraud rates are growing and more and more people get blocked on social networks for being annoying and inappropriate.


So how about we take a moment to remind us some basic learnings as per what should and shouldn’t go online. Internet prudence begins with thinking twice before posting things and ends with being cautious about who you share your location with. Read more…

Top 20 Virtual WiFi Router Software to Create WiFi Hotspot

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People using USB dongle modems to connect to the Internet but they can’t enjoy the same Internet on their smartphone devices. So, creating a WiFi hotspot through your computer is indeed the best, quick and easy approach to this.


I am going to present top 20 best free virtual router software to create WiFi hotspot. By using these virtual router software apps, you can easily convert your computer into a virtual WiFi router. Read more…

15 Serious Global Threats to Today’s Internet

Updated on by in Cyber Security

We are living in the technological advanced age in which every second is a challenge for all of us. The Invent of internet has made our lives easy and innovative but on the other hand, it has opened ways for cybercrime that has given birth to the global internet security threats. As there is more innovation, hackers are exploring more ways to attack the cyber space security with more sophisticated attempts.


Here i am going to describe the top 15 threats to today’s internet security: Read more…

10 Ways Big Data Changing Our Lives

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With the evolution of Internet, many new concepts came into existence and those new technologies have changed the way we live. Big data is one of those inventions that not only gives economic impact but, it has dramatically changed our life styles. We can use these big sets of data from prediction of war to the prediction of number of diapers going to be sold this week. So first understand what big data is.


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20 Tech Tools to Run Business from Anywhere in the World

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Modern technology has made it possible for many people to work from home; or even from the coffee shop on the corner. Business owners can now stay in touch with their business operations at all times of the day and night, regardless of where they are in the world.


The following 20 tech tools will assist anyone to work anywhere productively: Read more…

Top 20 Popular Online Scams and Dangerous Frauds

Updated on by in Cyber Security

Internet these days is full of frauds and scams; you think you are looking at something but it may turn out to be the exact opposite of it. As much advantages as an Internet offers to every person, there are also a number of scams attached with this experience that you must look out for. Such scams can affect a person one way or the other without them even realizing it.


If you are also among those who are tired of being hit by several online scams, then below you will learn the top 20 online scams that should be avoided at all costs: Read more…

20 Most Futuristic Voice-Controlled Gadgets

Updated on by in Hardware

Gadgets are getting smarter day by day with the advent of digital revolution clubbed with innovative research on Internet of things. Gadgets in our life means more than an electronic device as we are highly dependent on them to get connected to the world and smoothly manage our lifestyle with it. From household automation to being connected to the world via smart phones we are making our device more intelligent and smart, leveraging on the surplus benefits of Internet connectivity.


Every new launch of a new gadget surprises us with whole bunch of innovative features that enables us to control objects digitally via remote and wireless. Even we can control them with our voice and make them work according to our requirements sounds good, how cool the life would become being occupied with such Amazing Voice-Controlled Gadgets. The best part of these gadgets makes them fully controlled and functional by human touch, specific gestures and voice. Read more…

20 Mobile Apps to Boost the Internet Speed

Updated on by in Mobile

There is no surprise that everyone today moves with an internet connection in their mobile phones but what is annoying sometimes (or many a times) is the slow internet connection. Slow internet connection means inability to use the social media to the fullest and having loads of pending videos to watch, well who would like to ‘buffer’ more and enjoy less? Slow internet speed is nothing less than a mood spoiler.


So, if you are one of those who loves the feeling of having a faster internet speed then go on to read below about the 20 mobile apps to boost the internet speed where we have picked the best speed optimizer apps for your mobile device. Read more…

20 Tips: How to Browse the Web Privately and Anonymously

Posted on by in Web Browsers

When we talk about the Internet technology, we must not forget to mention the kinds of crucial disadvantages that are present with its use. Even though the numbers of advantages like, instant connectivity, where users can connect with each other and globally on the go, round the clock are unforgettable. The Internet technology sometimes can become a big hassle in your everyday routine. This does not mean that we aim to not rationalize how important the Internet is in today’s day and age, but we are trying to offer a different perspective to it. Just like any other technology in the world, which comes with its pros and cons, the Internet world is no different. When a user is online, he might be enjoying some of the undeniable opportunities and possibilities, but he is also putting himself at a lot of risks on different levels and points.


Just for the brief discussion, let’s focus on those risks and points that an average Internet user can put himself at while sitting online. The number one risk is access to illegal or banned content. Since the Internet is largely used unsupervised, one can have access to almost everything, this is why it is so important for parents to understand this phenomenon and impose parental controls when their children are using the Internet. Read more…

20 Tips: How to Improve Skype Call Quality

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Skype calls are considered to be an essential part of everyday life for a large number of people and it is said that approximately three hundred million minutes are used every day on Skype calls. Unfortunately, there are many users who have to go through various problems such as quality of call, connection speed, poor audio, blurry video, privacy issues, confused chats etc. and these seemingly minor problems don’t let them have better Skype experience. However, these problems can be overcome very easily and if you could follow 20 tips and tricks described below, you will be able to have a much greater experience with Skype.


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20 Skype Tips for Better Voice and Video Calls Experience

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At the turn of the century, people were hardly familiar with the concept of making video calls over the internet. Fast forward to 2015, people will now much rather use Skype to make a phone call instead of using the network of their cell phone operator. Why pay money to talk with your friends or family when you can simply strike up a conversation with them for free over the internet? Those who have stayed loyal to their phone operators will boast that the mobile networks offer better call quality than most video calling software do. This is not necessarily true. The quality of the call on Skype in particular depends on the speed of the internet as well as how advanced the equipments being used are.


As a matter of fact, calling on Skype can actually be very troublesome if you don’t know how to make the best use of the software. Read more…

10 Best Tips to Make Your Online Content Difficult to Replicate

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Are you familiar with the internet that includes around 3.3 billion indexed pages or may be counting more? Well this converts into unbelievable 33 billion links to the website content which presumes every page has 10 entries. This huge figure involves each content piece on each single niche available on earth.


If you are an online content creator, being perfect is not enough on internet. In this case you need to include a single bullet point in other’s blog post, or add to someone’s infographic, that may help in standing out remarkably unique on the website.

Let us know about 10 best tips for making your online content difficult to replicate. Read more…

What is The Future of Social Search?

Updated on by in Search Engines

Compared to just a couple of decades ago, the way that we’re able to find information has radically changed. Before the internet, discovering what you wanted to know would mean tracking down and asking someone knowledgeable on the subject or finding an educational book or video that provided the answers. For more complicated inquires, this was neither a simple nor quick task.


In 1994, some of the first search engines were coming onto the scene and gaining popularity along the small number of internet users online at the time. Platforms like Lycos, WebCrawler and Yahoo were finally giving people instant access to a wealth of knowledge. Read more…

Top 10 Online Marketing Tips That’ll Rule in 2014

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Whether you own a small business or are keen towards honing the success rate of your established organization, choosing the right online marketing strategy is necessary. Internet is the world of opportunities.


You can definitely take full advantage of different web-based marketing trends that have been ruling in the years that have passed. Through this post, I’ll make you familiar with ten of the best online marketing tips that’ll rule in the year 2014. Read more…