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Tag: mobile app

4 Ways the Advancement in Technology is Changing the Gaming Industry

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It is arguably true that it has taken quite long for technology to get its way through to America. It is claimed that it took roughly five decades for electricity to reach a huge percentage of American households. Mobile phones have taken even longer to reach the inhabitants. However, gaming technology is taking the American mainstream media by a thud. Seemingly, gaming technology is being adopted much faster than you can imagine!


Now imagine if you have a sophisticated gaming device with clear graphics that enables you to play a game without any technical hitch. The article, therefore, explores the possible changes in the gaming industry influenced by the advancement in technology. Read more…

Top 20 Popular Emoji Apps for iPhone and Android Phones

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Why should you use words when there are many lists of emojis to choose from? You can either create a new one or copy paste, and you are good to go. Express yourself in a whole new way by combining emojis and text and win everybody’s heart.


To make your next chat wittier, we have got you covered as we have listed the best twenty emoji apps for iOS. Be it an angry bird face, cartoon images or funny face; it has all kinds of smiley in the listed apps. Better still, you can choose to create emoticons or even add more personalization to the game. Read more…

Facebook Dating App – Everything You Need to Know About

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What is the Dating App?

On November 9, the leadership of Facebook announced launching the new dating service in Canada and Thailand. New features were also introduced by the social network. One of them, so-called Second Look, will allow the members to re-like someone even if they weren’t previously interested in.


Similarly to this, users of Tinders can have such feature for an additional fee, so they are able to take their last swipe left back. The second feature is about pausing the profile in Facebook Dating app when a user wants to take a break from using it, or they have started a serious relationship, so the need of looking or meeting other people has fallen off. Read more…

Best Android Tricks for Online Dating Sites

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Dating services have become virtual date platforms for single hearts. Gradually, all our relationships — friendly, business partnership, personal — has moved into the virtual world. You can wail and cry about how your parents met just on the street, and modern relationships lack this romance. Or just take it for granted and start using the new services in your own interests benefiting from them.


A Photo Worth a Thousand Swipes Read more…

Top 30 Best Emoji Apps for iPhone and Android Phones

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When sending text messages, sometimes simple words can’t really express feelings or thoughts to the other person. Therefore, you start looking for other ways that will guarantee that your communication is precise and expressive. For these reasons, there are several emoji apps for Android phones and iPhones that makes communication easy. However, not all funny emoji faces are suitable for assignment help. According to assignment help expert, there are specific emojis for assignment in Australia.


Here is a list of the best Emoji apps. Read more…

Top 40 Best Virtual Pet Mobile Apps

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Looking for the best virtual pet app? Virtual pets are pet lovers everywhere, whether you already have a few pets of your own or are waiting for the right time. You can take care of your virtual pet right from your phone giving it food, water, and even playing with it! You can have any pet you want from a cat to a sheep. You can have a whole farm at your fingertips without having to muck a stall or do any of the dirty work. Read the reviews of these Pet Apps and find the best one for your lifestyle.


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Top 20 Best Brain Training, Analyzing Tools & Apps

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The need to improve your skills is an essential requirement for everyone. However, the more you try to keep up with the pace, your brain gets exposed to lots of pressure and stress that often affects your well-being. Therefore, you will need to train your mind on the best ways to control anxiety and pressure for you to continue experiencing the best performance. Although most people will often ask therapists for help to relax, you still can do it through apps.


Here is a list of the best 20 apps that will keep your mind on toes all the time. Read more…

Best 45 Free Online Privacy Tools & Software

Updated on by in Cyber Security

At a time when even tech giants like Apple and Facebook aren’t safe from hackers, what surety do we have about being completely safe against the most notorious hackers and cybercriminals? Cybercrime has evolved over the past many years. No matter whichever device you use, it can be hacked by any seasonal hacker.


In this scenario, it is necessary that you make use of tools that can help prevent cyber attacks on your devices and keep your data private. For this to happen, you’ll need a series of privacy tools and mobile apps that can help secure you against every threat lurking on the internet. Read more…

Top 50 Best Password Generators to Create Strong, Secure & Random Passwords

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Having a smartphone in this era serves as a blessing for humankind. But this blessing can turn into a big curse if you don’t have a strong and secure password to login to your private data. Mobile phones have changed the lives of people in a positive manner all around the world, these smart devices help us in every possible manner.


While using a smartphone, your biggest concern should be to generate a secure, pronounceable and random password for your device and for the applications you use in your beloved device. In this article, you would get to know the 50 best tools to generate a strong and random password: Read more…

Top 8 Best Health and Fitness Apps

Updated on by in Mobile

Well in 2018, the app ecosystem turns 10 years old. In these 10 years, apps have brought tremendous changes; you name the domain and it is ruling. From banking, movie, socializing, shopping, to weather navigation; apps have encaged our world entirely. Referring to the various statistics, there was 197 billion apps download.


The app developers are creating apps which are user-oriented and flexible according to the configuration of the mobile phones. Again according to the reports, there are 4.68 billion smartphone users in the world. One area where apps development have created wonder include healthcare. And when we talk about health care, it is not limited to consulting a doctor or fixing an appointment; apps are revolutionizing the whole structure of health care from brick mortar structure to desktop and now to apps. Read more…

Top 30 Best Pet Safety Gadgets, Apps for Dogs & Cats

Updated on by in Hardware

A popular joke maintains that a pet dog’s thought process follows this formula: “They feed me, they pet me, they take me for walks…They must be gods!” This joke actually isn’t far off the mark. Dogs are natural pack animals, so everything to them exists in a strict hierarchy where the leader commands with absolute power, and the pack obeys. To dogs, you are their pack leader, and it is significant that you assert your authority early on.


When it comes to pet cats, we may not confirm the thought process that of dogs. But one thing is confirmed that when you own a pet cat or dog, you must show responsibility, and take great care of your pet. Read more…

How to Find Mobile App Developer – 5 Important Tips

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Application development is one of the most rapidly growing and developing niches in IT. Demand spawns the offer so there are increasingly many developers out there on the market promising to put their heart and soul into your software project, be it even the most complex solution that you’re having in mind.


How to choose the most sufficient candidate or gather a prominent team, which would ask for a reasonable enough payment on top of providing top-notch professional skills? Let’s try to figure this ‘ultimate choice dilemma’ out. Read more…

Most Popular Types of Apps for Disabled People

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People are using technology on a daily basis in ways we could never think of before. There are mobile apps for everything, and their main goal is to make life easier for all people. Disabled people are a part of our society and mobile apps can become another thing that will help them to effectively integrate into it.


A desire to be viewed as a normal human being is the thing you’ll hear often from disabled people. They want to integrate into a society as everybody else and become its functioning members, who just happen to have a disability. App makers are already trying to provide tools for disabled people, and our society has made a great progress towards developing accessible technologies. Read more…

Best Car Rental Apps That Make Your Life Easier

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Let’s face it, finding a car rental can be stressful. Searching aimlessly for discounts, nearby airports and different car types can definitely give anyone a headache. So, why not make things easier for yourself? Instead of wandering through the world wide web without any direction, try a car rental app. One download, and you’ll immediately fall in love.


The app platform simply provides what a normal website cannot; organization, compactness and clarity when renting a car. You’ll be able to book cars instantly, compare rates and discover some of the cheapest rental prices for your trip. Here are some of the best apps out there for your phone: Read more…

3 Leading Fitness Apps to Help You Live Healthier

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Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

As with the increase in the life threatening diseases, numerous fitness apps had launched to facilitate people about their current health status. The survey has shown that, tremendous life luxurious products and facilities are the cause of the people health’s destruction. Physical fitness is the chief factor for reducing the risk of severe diseases like heart diseases, blood pressure, cancer, diabetes etc.


Due to shortage of time and heavy work load people are lacking in their health care. To prevent these diseases, fitness apps are developed that are a just one click away. You can easily download these apps in your smart phones from google play store. By following their daily challenges you can improve your health. Read more…