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8 Tips to Speed Up Windows 7

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Over time computers seem to get slower, even with new processors like Windows 7 built in to them for speed and efficiency. This is due to the junk that accumulates on your hard drive and unnecessary programs that run in the background. Factory settings don’t do well as people use more of their computer’s memory and hard drive.


There are eight changes you can make in your computer settings to speed up your Windows 7 processor. Read more…

Technical Tricks: How To Protect Your Content From Plagiarizing, And What To Do If It Gets Stolen

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Plagiarism is a real plague of the today’s content marketing. Simply put, to plagiarize means to take someone else’s content and publish it as your own. Plagiarism not only cheats the original author of the credits for their work they deserve, it also presents direct financial damage for them.


If someone plagiarizes your work you posted online, they face several disadvantages that work against them rather than for them. These include: Read more…

Latest SEO Trends that Every Marketer Must Know

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It looks like as soon as we try to wrap our head on the Google’s latest update on its algorithm, another release will come into the world changing the game. And it is necessary for the people who are involved in the field of SEO must be well known about the updates as soon as it is launched. They should be up-to-date about the happenings all around the world of search engine optimization.


The SEO analysts must have in finger tips about the latest trends and updates in order to understand how the search engine ranks the content and the search engine marketers must recognize the high level trends which drive success marketing campaign. Read more…

Personality Traits of a Successful Blogger

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Blogger’s personality is the key to successful blogging. Observing top blogs and bloggers lets us define the most important personality traits that most successful bloggers share. See if you possess these qualities, because they will lead you along the road of blogging to the top.


None of successful bloggers got on top by luck or by occasion. Millions of blogs are out there today, but only a small percent of them are successful. It’s blogger’s personality that drives them up and leads their blogs to success. And what is most important, personality of bloggers is directly projected to their blogs.

A blog is a clear reflection of the blogger itself, with his or her good and bad traits. That’s why there are no two blogs alike as well as there are no two same people. All of them are unique with their own personal qualities. Yet there are some basic personal traits that most top bloggers share. That‘s what makes them successful as bloggers. Read more…

Google Spy: The Tool of Choice and the Spymaster’s Dream

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Google has been considered the best tool for spying, with the complete devices for spy needs to help achieve a spymaster’s dream. It has been revealed time and again that there are truths emanating from Google which implies that indeed there are several instances that it had been used as a platform to a hacking or spying activity whether privately, publicly or in government entities which may include political activities for some prominent personalities.


The Chairman of Google, Mr. Eric Schmidt’s had been notably quoted as “if you have something you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it,” thing is just as synonymous to “do not use Google products and services, if you don’t want to be spied on.” Therefore, there is a hint of truth in these words, which can somewhat be alarming. Read more…

Monitor Business Running by Using Mobile Spy Technology

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Employers may be curious about the activities of employees while at work. These employers may think that their employees are wasting time talking with friends or giving confidential company information to other people through emails. If this is the case and employers would like to confirm their doubts about their employees, they will have to spy on the mobile phone that was assigned by the company to the employees. It is possible to know the activities of certain employees while at work without giving them the idea that they are being monitored. Employers will be able to view the exact text message and email that was sent by the employees as well as the number they dialed.


Since employees may have the tendency to misuse company property, such as mobile devices, it is advisable for employers to use mobile spying technology. Whenever employers feel that their employees are not using the devices properly or are imprudent in their use of company resources that may result to unwanted expenses, it would be essential to monitor how employees are using their mobile devices to collect evidence against them. Read more…

Top Axure Libraries & Widget Resources for Wireframing

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Axure is without a doubt one of the most popular tools today for wireframing and prototyping both websites and desktop software. When using Axure, users will make use of reusable elements called “widgets” – and the application itself comes with a basic set of these widget libraries pre-installed.


Not all users realize this at first, but there several quality resources at your disposal to help improve your wireframing efficiency and help improve the quality of your wireframes from the initial concept. These resources provide community and user submitted widget libraries (most available for free) which can extend your wireframing skills and really impress your clients. Read more…

9 WordPress Tips & Tricks to Re-Energize Your Blogs

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WordPress, from the start, is an easy, comprehensive spot to operate your blog. Mommy bloggers, small business owners and everyone in between rely on the advanced capabilities for effective content management WordPress offers. For a turbo boost, WordPress hosts a suite of plugins, themes, and other enhancements for everything from page design to improved SEO.


WordPress sites are easily customized, their support system comprehensive, and their platform befitting the array of other blog software and extras you’ll find within and outside of WordPress. Some bloggers and site managers have discovered accessories to set their corner of the web apart, those features you see on other bloggers’ pages and think, “hey, I want something like that!” Read more…

3 Best Websites to Find Lost or Stolen Camera

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You probably already know that there are quite a number of apps can be used to track lost smartphone. Through these apps, you can also retrieve important data and information stored in the phone even it has never been found again. While finding a lost smartphone sounds easy, what about digital camera? What would you do if your camera was stolen or if you’ve lost it somewhere?


Unlike smartphones, there are neither tracking apps designed for digital camera nor GPS receiver built in it. In the event that your camera goes missing, is there a hope you can get it back? The answer is yes. Just like your digital camera’s unique serial numbers, every photo taken with it has an EXIF data. So imagine if the thief posts photos taken with the camera on the web, this allows you to search such photos and track your camera down. Here are 3 awesome websites you can try to get your lost camera back. Good luck! Read more…

9 Things You Didn’t Know a BlackBerry Smartphone Could Do

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It’s not breaking news that BlackBerry phones can do a lot of things. Like many smartphones out there, they can serve as music players, calendars, web browsing devices, and just about anything else you can find an app for. Realistically however, most BlackBerry phones are not used to their full potential because their owners aren’t aware of all the cool things they can do.


When you really want to accomplish something in life, you have to use everything you have to the utmost extent of its power. The following are just a few things your Blackberry can do that you probably didn’t know about. Read more…

The Process of Handling The Magento WordPress Integration

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You must be aware of the fact that WordPress is the best for CMS, as well as for blogging websites. Magento is also considered the best for e-commerce. You use both of them together, as well as share the components including static blocks, navigation menus and cart data. In this situation, the Magento WordPress Integration (MWI) comes into play. You will be able to install, as well as configure MWI without any difficulty. At the same time, you can also get any type of block from the Magento store in the WordPress theme. You will also get the option to add the Magento products to the WordPress pages and posts.


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The Future of Security on Social Networks

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The social networking bug has bitten and gone viral. With invitations to join Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, MySpace and many more streaming through the inbox and endless new networks cropping up by the day, connecting with friends, family and business associates all on one platform, has never been easier.


For example, take Facebook. A name synonymous with social networking, this media powerhouse has taken the Internet by storm. If its popularity is anything to go by, the user count is predicted to run into billions in the next few years. Add to this the amount of private information being uploaded every second on hundreds of social networks that overrun the web and what you get is a strong requirement for security measures to be firmly established. Read more…

10 Must-Know Social Media Tips to Promote Your Blog

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It goes without saying that social media is the world’s trending tool for communication. You can use this unique way of communication to promote your blog on multiple social media platforms. Unlike shopping for cheap gadget insurance, promoting your blog through social media takes an ample amount of time.


Experts say you should spend four times more time promoting your blog than you should actually spend on perfecting your blog and writing blog posts. After all, if you spend too much time perfecting and writing it and no time promoting it, all your hard work will go unnoticed. With these ten tips, you’ll be on your way to having a successful blog with a large audience. Read more…

10 Great Apps for People on the Go

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In today’s world, it seems like we’re busier than ever (and, of course, we are). Luckily, smartphones are here to the rescue. Where we once had to have our whole life planned out in advance, today we can just make plans on the fly and use our instantaneous connectivity to our advantage. While in some ways this dynamic can complicate life, in other ways, it makes our lives so much easier. Many use apps to stay connected to the social world while others use them to stay connected to family by playing game apps from across the country.


For those who are always on the go, a laptop is not always the best option to carry around making staying connected to the outside world hard. Saving money can become difficult without the time to look up deals in the paper or cut out coupons so some rely on apps to tell them about the deals going on. Here are some great apps for people on the go. Read more…

Top 15 Magento eCommerce Plugins

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Magento has grown rapidly since its launch less than five years ago. For anybody working in ecommerce, Magento is an excellent way to increase their business’ image and revenue online. To really get the most out of Magento, though, you need to make sure you have the best plugins installed. With so many plugins to choose from, however, the choice can be daunting. Below we will list the 15 best Magento plugins for your business.


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