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20 Most Common Windows Problems (And Solutions to Fix Them)

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Windows is one of the most commonly used PC operating systems. Smartphone operating systems also make use of the Windows software. However, any software wouldn’t perform flawlessly over time, a fact which is also true of Windows.


Hence, below are some common problems that Windows users often face. They are presented with some solutions that may help out: Read more…

20 Most Notorious Get Rich Quick Schemes You Must Say NO

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The idea of becoming self-employed and rich is an obsession of the millennials. No wonder there are so many seductive offers to make quick money. While some of them might still be worthy, the most of these schemes are too suspicious. It is better to stay away from these twenty get rich schemes that are likely to become your nightmare.


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10 Interesting Facts about Google’s Algorithms

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Believe it or not, algorithms are really cool and interesting. I mean, they give us our search results, after all.But how does Google’s algorithm work any guess? And how has it moving forward over the course of so many years?


Algorithms don’t just read the content on the page before determining if it answers your query, they check how recent the information was, whether it is likely to be spam and if the location is relevant to the user. All these things matter if you are trying to rank your website. Understanding how Google algorithms works. Read more…

20 Tools & Apps to Find All Nearby WiFi Hotspots

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It can be difficult to find a good Internet signal when you are in one place, but it gets even more tedious to establish a connection when you are on the move.


Who says you have to risk overcharging and excessive cellular data plan usage? Here are options available to you now—tools and apps that allows you to find and access WiFi hotspots near you. Read more…

Top 30 Affiliate Marketing Networks and Platforms to Make Money

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So, are you on the lookout for new ways to market yourself or your product, and ultimately make money? Of course you are, we all are! Well thanks to us, we have helpfully compiled a list of the top affiliate marketing networks and platforms that you can utilise to make money! So what are you waiting for?


In recent years, online affiliate marketing has become the go-to business model for people looking to market themselves or their products. Simply put, affiliate marketers earn a commission for promoting and selling a company’s (or a person’s) product on their site. It’s a performance-based structure that can generate massive amounts of income with low start-up costs. Read more…

Design Thinking as a Strategy for Innovation

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Design thinking, what is that? It is definitely another buzzword, but a lot of people don’t really know what it means. To be honest, there are no specific definitions, but they all include a problem solving process that puts identifying people’s needs first. It a method for solving complex problems, design thinking helps organizations find unmet needs and create value from these insights.


Design thinking minimizes the uncertainty and risk of innovation by engaging customers or users through a series of prototypes to learn, test and refine concepts. Design thinkers rely on customer insights gained from real-world experiments, not just historical data or market research. This approach brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. Read more…

30 UX Design Tips to Ensure Positive e-Commerce Experience

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Ecommerce changed our lives, changed the way we buy things. In e-commerce, first impressions are critical for online stores, because the competition is high and it it extremely easy to lose the client, just with 1 click, your client may quit your page and never come back because of the poor user experience. You need to think about value proposition, about how to simplify life of your users and make them buy from you over and over again. You need to think about how to share that your company is different from the hundreds of others online stores. Combined with simplicity, easy user flow and call to action items, you create online experience for your clients.


Let’s look at our ux design tips to boost your e-commerce. Read more…

15 Most Effective Tips to Better Manage Your Gmail

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Gmail is powered by Google. It was created for sending and receiving email. But, now you can manage and organize your Gmail account in more organized manner by customizing your emails to save your precious time. Generally, people are not aware of the diversity of Gmail account therefore, they don’t know much about the Gmail.


This article will share 15 effective tips to better manage your Gmail. You can manage your Gmail in a better way after reading the following tips. Read more…

Top 10 Smartphone Tricks to Take Amazing 360-degree Photos

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Flat and two-dimensional photographs are a bit old news. Today’s photo industry is changing to a new direction and that is for the future of 360-degree photos. The future of 360-degree photos is bright. It let you look around in whatever direction you like from a single standing position. This type of 360-degree photos you can easily share from social media to Street View. They can quickly snap utilizing the smartphone you have.


Here in this blog we have described hot to begin. Let us discover ten most powerful smartphone tricks to take amazing 360-degree photos. Read more…

Best 20 Tools to Build Mobile Apps Even if You Can’t Code

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With a variety of great website builders to choose from, creating a simple website is a no-brainer. Thankfully, the same holds true when it comes to mobile apps. You don’t need to be a programming junkie or to have the ability to speak in code to create a mobile app. A new wave of app makers is now on the rise that can help you build your mobile app.


But before you jump in the deep end of the app development pool, you’ll need to do some research on which app maker is the perfect fit for you. Here are the top 20 mobile app makers that you might find useful: Read more…

30 Best Drag and Drop / WYSIWYG Website Builders

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Having an official website is a must for any business seeking to maintain an online presence. Promoting your company’s image on social media or other platforms is nothing without being able to link directly to your own website. On it, you can build informative slides and text for your visitors and potential customers to see and shape it the way you want, molding it into your company’s image and style.


Building a website is therefore a requirement of today’s virtual marketplace. However, the elevated level of complexity when it comes to HTML or CSS coding has long confined website creating to a very small group of people. Read more…

15 Free Tools To Create Wedding Photo Slideshows

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A wedding is a perfect time that makes you want to capture every second. And it is not strange because the pictures from this significant day will cheer you up and bring warm memories for many years. In the past, people were making wedding photo albums. But today it is much easier to keep these memories.


The progress does not stand still, and instead of photo frames and albums, people can store all these pictures in digital format on their smartphones or at home on the computer. This technological progress had also given us some new opportunities. Now you can keep not only pictures that capture pleasant moments of your life but also make various collages, videos, and slideshows, and the best thing about it is that you can do them yourself – all you will need is a gadget, favorite photos, and free slideshow maker. Read more…

11 Tips When Shopping on Alibaba & Other Online Stores

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Online shopping has taken over the brick and mortar installations, almost. Online shopping offers ease in terms of affordability, selection of wide variety, less hassle, and convenience. These are things we are all aware of but do you know there are some secrets to making purchases at Alibaba and many other online stores.


What are they? Read on to find out. Read more…

10 Amazing Ways Augmented Reality Will Improve Our Life

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The Augmented Reality (AR) is making a loud roar as the latest innovation in technology proves that it is useful to improve the lives of people. Augmented reality is a mixture of real life and virtual reality. Developers create an image within applications that allows blending in with the content in the real environment. With the help of AR, users can interact with virtual items.


Also, users can interact with virtual contents in the real world that AR is viewing. Users can distinguish the difference between the two. Read more…

Nikola Tesla’s 20 Extraordinary Facts and Secrets

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Nikola Tesla was one of the most amazing inventors of the world who was extremely underrated and did not receive the appropriate recognition he deserved. He possessed one of the most unique set of skills which categorized him as a genius. As a futurist and an inventor he proposed several technological ideas which we use today. One of his most notable contributions to science and technology was the design of the AC electric supply system used today.


He proposed solutions in electricity, telephony, mechanical engineering which was mostly overlooked by the community because most of them were then considered as farfetched and nearly impossible, but are of use in our daily lives today. Read more…