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Tag: hacking

Top 20 Most Destructive Cyber Attacks in History

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Generally, I am quite good at techy stuff and I thought I had protection against the malware and spyware, I felt confident that I never have to combat cyber attack. But to my surprise, recently I have been a victim of cyber-attack. Yes, just like anybody else I also had a harrowing experience. I immediately called up one of my best friends Jason, who is well-versed in dealing with cyber attacks and related issues. He really proved helpful in getting me out of this technical ordeal but at the same time he did gave me some tips that will protect me from such attacks in future like setting difficult passwords, clearing browsing history and changing passwords regularly.


As Jason was doing his techy stuff, meanwhile I started a topic of the most destructive cyber-attacks in the history. He said that he has a fair knowledge of the most notorious cyber attacks that have taken place so far. He started by saying that the main culprits behind all this hacking thing are the hackers or ‘hactivists’ (he joked). Read more…

Can E-cigarettes be Used to Hack Computers?

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Scientists and fans of electronic cigarettes have long agreed that it is safer to vape than to smoke a conventional cigarette. But not in all spheres of activity it is harmless, for most technological processes and machines the device can cause damage.


Innovations in technology shock modern people. If earlier there were only movies about cyber attacks and science fiction novels, now it is the part of the everyday reality. Read more…

7 Practices to Keep Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency from being Stolen

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Keeping your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency safe should be top priority. After all, there is a lot of money at stake as your cryptocurrency continues to mature. However, the very nature of cryptocurrency makes it quite easy to steal, and protecting it can be challenging.


Since no financial institution offers a layer of protection for cryptocurrency, like Bitcoins, you will need to add extra layers of protection to secure your holdings. Read more…

15 Ways Criminals Can Steal Your Bitcoins & Cryptocurrencies

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Cryptocurrency has become quite a pompous buzzword last year and the trend is not going to stop in 2018 either. Digital money owes much of its hype and popularity to Bitcoin, a currency that currently represents almost 60% of an entire market.


However, the price of Bitcoin doesn’t only attract business people around the globe but also criminals who are trying to grab their own portions of the most valuable digital currency. They are constantly inventing new mechanisms to steal Bitcoins and you should be aware of this threat in order to prevent it. In this article, we will show you 15 ways criminals can steal your Bitcoins. Read more…

Things You Need to Do If Your Bitcoins Was Stolen

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As it is a digital era in which hacking is becoming the very coming disease in our society. It is very common due to this that Bitcoins of millions of dollar has been stolen and a person wealth is completely hacked in many cases. But this is not the end, there are different ways to protect your Bitcoins from being stolen.


Every host or exchanger will provide the basic information of the bitcoins to the owners. It is a very complex thing to protect your wealth in the form of Bitcoins. This host will provide a place or a system in which Bitcoins wallet security can be measured. But the responsibility of Bitcoins owner is not finished here, they need to assure that their bitcoin wallet is secure. Some of the people are who even stolen their complete wealth due to the hackers of Bitcoin. In this situation, people do not know what to do or what is the next steps to stolen the bitcoin. So here is a question arise that: Read more…

15 Ways to Check If Your Online Data Was Stolen

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Today, cybercrime is a huge threat to businesses and individuals alike, and the prevalence of cyber-attacks is only on the rise. Last year, over 4,000 ransomware attacks occurred daily – a 300% increase from the year prior. And that’s just one type of cybercrime.


If you’re concerned about your online security, there are plenty of ways to protect yourself from an attack. Simple options include updating your passwords, antivirus software, and apps frequently. For extra security, a good VPN provider (such as Avast) will help mitigate cybercrime risk over public Wi-Fi by encrypting your data. Read more…

15 Deadly Windows Security Flaws and Vulnerabilities

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Windows has a long history of critical security flaws and far-reaching vulnerabilities. WannaCry, a form of ransomware that takes access of the system away from the user, is just one recent example of these flaws being used to gain unauthorized access to remote systems.


It begs the question — what are some other security flaws and vulnerabilities that have affected the operating system over the years? Here are 15 examples. Read more…

12 Best Pro Hacker Apps to Hack Android Phones

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When we utter the word Hacker or hacking, some dangerous elements and images spur up in our imagination. However, hacking could be ethical and non-ethical, and unfortunately, we are aware of the only non-ethical side of hacking and hardly familiar with ethical means of hacking.


The term ethical hacking straightforwardly denotes various testing methods, particularly penetration testing where testers enter into the system, of course, with legal permissions, and carrying out various security breaching related tests. Read more…

20 Spam Call Blocker and Spam SMS Blocking Apps

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In this time and age, we are lucky to avail many technological conveniences and mobile technology is one of them. Today, we can call anyone at the tap of a finger or download apps to help us find routes or locate a place. However, there are also certain glitches that come with advancement in mobile technology.


Spam calls and text messages are two of the common forms of this type of technology. They can be a headache some and let others intrude into our privacy. However, there are several apps that can be downloaded to alert you of a scam call so that you can prevent any privacy invasion. Some of them deserve a mention here: Read more…

Top 20 Apps to Block Spam Calls and Text Messages

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Cell phones accompany the user day and night. Other than calling, cell phone are also used for playing games for checking the Facebook or twitter several times a day. This much cell phone addiction has also increased the risk of getting an unwanted call or text messages. These unwanted calls might be a political call during the season of election, an aggressive telemarketing call, a call from a scammer of even from ex-lover that you don’t want to speak anymore. These spam messages and nuisance calls distract you if they are frequently coming. These unwanted calls would bug you at work, interrupt your dinner or these calls might wake you up at midnight.


Unwanted calls are invading privacy by notifying the user at the wrong time and place. There are numerous apps which can rescue you by blocking these unwanted calls and messages. Read more…

Latest Facebook Privacy and Security Features to Protect Users

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Facebook, from the past many years; has gained the reputation of being a largest online social network podium across the globe. The influence of Facebook is too wide and its usability is so convenient that people of all ages such as a teenager, youth and senior citizens can even access it without any hassle. More than this, it has gained popularity in remote areas of every country in such a manner that you easily get connected and can interact with parents, neighbours, relatives and the known ones.


But sometimes, you may get confronted with uncertain problems that have breached your FB account security and privacy. With the consistent arising of problems in Facebook, the merits between public and private space are getting diminished or blurred consistently as the time passes by. Without being aware of FB security and privacy features, you might end up becoming prey to identity theft, malicious activities as well as phishing attack plotted by the scammers and cyberpunks. Read more…

Top 15 Websites to Learn Ethical Hacking Like a Pro

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Ethical hacking is a practice that does not undermine digital rights of another party. The hacker gets access to his or her desired online source.


Ethical hacker is watchman for different websites who explores system’s weaknesses that a criminal computer expert can use in order to gain access to various online platforms. Ethical hacker does not destroy information or data. He or she reports directly to the organizational management to inform about potential vulnerability of the system. An ethical hacker also proactively works in order to resolve various security issues. Read more…

15 Serious Global Threats to Today’s Internet

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We are living in the technological advanced age in which every second is a challenge for all of us. The Invent of internet has made our lives easy and innovative but on the other hand, it has opened ways for cybercrime that has given birth to the global internet security threats. As there is more innovation, hackers are exploring more ways to attack the cyber space security with more sophisticated attempts.


Here i am going to describe the top 15 threats to today’s internet security: Read more…

10 Easy Ways to Access Blocked Websites

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Access to a wide variety of websites is blocked by many authorities across the world. Extreme cases, such as China, use their own firewall systems to block out the majority of the internet; in other places you may find your college or workplace blocks all access to social media sites.


Sometimes, this is a necessary tool; it may be a matter of government security or simply policy. There is usually a way round the blocks but you should ensure what you are doing is legal. We’re totally aware that as technology keeps advancing, the internet becomes more and more dangerous. Many countries have restrictions; however, they’re constantly breached by hackers with bad intentions. Read more…