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Archives – January, 2018

Top 15 Free OCR Tools to Extract Text from Images

Posted on by in Software

Optical character recognition for OCR is a technology with which you can digitize all your documents easily. The software typically works by scanning the document (or image) that contains text and then converts that document into an editable file format such as plain text file, word file or excel file. In this way, you can save a lot of time in typing the same documents again.


Storing documents in a digital form are not only safe but it also saves a lot of storage space and paper of course! You can edit the text, add any relevant information or delete any information that is no more required. Moreover, you can access the documents with no trouble at any time, anywhere. Just imagine how easy it would be to classify, categorize, and organize all your digital documents than managing those endless bundles of papers and files. So, today we have come up with 15 such tools that can help you extract text from images and make your work a lot easier. Read more…

Top 20 Secure Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Hardware & Online Wallets

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Cryptocurrency being the talk of the town is changing how the currency has been perceived and transferred as well as a new mode of investment for exceptional profits. Over the last year, Bitcoin prices saw a crazy hype reaching the highest point of $19,783.06.


A year ago, not even 2% of the people of the World knew about Cryptocurrency; why they are used; how to purchase them and how to secure them? And today, it’s one of the most popular payment method and investment model people are looking at. Read more…

15 Reasons Why Nintendo Switch Will Fail

Posted on by in Gaming

We all love playing games. Few of us are so much into them that we bring them outside our screens and into our lives! For now, let’s just concentrate on the latest release – Nintendo Switch. All the video game fans were quite excited to explore its features when it released first back in March 2017. Since then, a lot of opinions and reviews have come up regarding this latest addition to the Nintendo family. And most of them happen to be not much in its favor.


A lot of factors have contributed towards the underwhelming response of this otherwise amazing gaming gadget. These include the exclusion of the old favorite features, unsuitable release timing, and overall generic console design among others. There are just so many faults with this new design that prevents it from being the next big revolution in the world of gaming. And we are here to review all of them so that you know what you are in for before making the purchase. Read more…

10 Ways to Download Videos and Photos from Instagram

Posted on by in Social Media

Instagram (IG) continues to grow phenomenally and is arguably the world’s largest photo and video sharing presently. Everyone talks Instagram and there’s no doubt about the fact the social network is set to undergo even more impressive transformations in the years to come. But since its advent, one thing that has always kept many asking questions is how one can download videos and photos from the network.


Initially, it was a big nightmare for millions of users who could only like and maybe share posts on the platform until ideas and tips about it started to emerge. Perhaps that is how it was meant to be or Instagram never looked beyond its prime goal of providing users with a platform where they can share their best moments through videos and snapshots. Read more…

15 Tips: How To Choose JavaScript Framework

Posted on by in Web Development

JavaScript continues to rise in popularity. IBM named JavaScript the best programming language to learn. Today, it is used on both the client and server sides. Javascript helps design interfaces that are beautiful, meaningful and highly responsive to functions and features.


Javascript frameworks act as the backbone of web application development. Developers don’t have to worry about code or its maintenance while they focus on creating high-quality software. Read more…

What will the App Battle Look Like in 2018?

Posted on by in Mobile

With December comes the obligatory roundup of the year’s stand out moments and events. In the tech world we’ve seen the release of two new iPhones, the Windows 10 rollout, unending misfortune at Uber and with 2018 looms the possible demise of net neutrality. Suffice to say, there have been some great developments and some serious setbacks.


Slightly less headline-grabbing is the continued debate over the future of apps. Hybrid or native apps: which will win the battle of the future? Will the ongoing developments to React Native change the tide again? Today, we will assess the positives and negatives of these development methods and see what might swing the balance for them in the coming year. Moreover, we will take a look at the past twelve months’ most successful apps and predict what we can expect from new releases in 2018. Read more…

Blockchain Technology – 15 Things You Need to Know About

Updated on by in Cryptocurrency

The CEO of IBM, Mr. Ginni Rometty said that “What the internet did for communications, blockchain will do for trusted transactions.” The truth of this statement is yet to be established as we are still in the midst of the development of blockchain technology. But it can easily be said that with the impact it is having on the economic and social structure of ours the impact will be enormous. The matter is still a debatable one and that is leading to various concerns both positive and negative about such technology. Over here we are going to break down all that should be known about blockchain technology.


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Bitcoin Hard Fork – Everything You Need To Know About

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Who doesn’t know about the famous cryptocurrency that has taken the world by storm? If you are someone who was resting in a cave and perhaps lacks the knowledge on Bitcoin, it is internet money, a digital currency that came into existence in the year 2009 by an anonymous person that uses an assumed name Satoshi Nakamoto.


Bitcoin eradicate the use of banks as it operates electronically. Therefore, it cannot be printed and can be used for various online activities. Bitcoin doesn’t thwart you from getting your hands on any kind of stuff. It is invented to make our life more simple, efficient and productive. Read more…

15 Ways Criminals Can Steal Your Bitcoins & Cryptocurrencies

Updated on by in Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has become quite a pompous buzzword last year and the trend is not going to stop in 2018 either. Digital money owes much of its hype and popularity to Bitcoin, a currency that currently represents almost 60% of an entire market.


However, the price of Bitcoin doesn’t only attract business people around the globe but also criminals who are trying to grab their own portions of the most valuable digital currency. They are constantly inventing new mechanisms to steal Bitcoins and you should be aware of this threat in order to prevent it. In this article, we will show you 15 ways criminals can steal your Bitcoins. Read more…

Cutting to the Chase – Pros and Cons of Home Testing for HIV

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Today’s antiretroviral treatments would have been seen as a miracle in the 1980s. They mean that being HIV positive is now a manageable condition, with which sufferers can still live long and rewarding lives, rather that the death sentence it was once considered. Key to treatment being effective, however, is diagnosis, and this is now the biggest issue.


Quite simply, if you are HIV positive, the chances are that you will not know about it till it’s too late. There are no “classic symptoms” as such, and by the time any symptoms at all start to manifest, the condition is usually in an advanced stage that will not respond well to treatment. Read more…

15 Dangerous PayPal Scams You Must Avoid

Updated on by in Cyber Security

PayPal has helped us revolutionise the way in which we purchase things and transfer money online. Since its inception back in 1999, it has grown to become one of the world’s leading ePayment providers and has facilitated billions and billions of transactions from every corner of the world. But as with everything on the internet, there are always a few unscrupulous souls that are looking for someone to scam or rip off.


These are 15 of the most common. Read more…

Downloading an App is Not the Only Way to Play with Your Phone

Updated on by in Gaming

It’s a story as old as the first iPhone itself: boy meets phone, boy falls for phone, boy buys the phone and installs the first game on it within a week. The way you can play games on your smartphone has stayed pretty much the same over the last decade – downloading native smartphone apps from your app marketplace of choice, installing them on your device, and running them when and as you see fit.


As a result, professional and amateur developers of casual games have almost exclusively reoriented themselves toward the mobile gaming market, especially since in-app ads and purchases make their games easier to monetize. And, unfortunately, browser games have almost completely disappeared in the process. Read more…

50 Popular Hashtags to Make Your Post Popular

Posted on by in Social Media

Hashtags are a great tool if you know how to use them as it allows you to get your message not just in front of your followers but in front of everybody who cares about the topic. The thing is, a lot of people don’t actually know how to use them all that well. They just randomly tag words in the hope of connecting somehow and somewhere.
That doesn’t quite work, as most words aren’t actually being followed by people. Even if there is a group of people following the hashtag you’re using, you’ll still often find that they’re not using it in the same way as you are. One famous example of this was when DiGiorno tweeted ‘#whyIstayed you had a pizza’. It turned out that specific hashtag was about domestic violence and the brand’s attempt to hijack it to sell pizza was not appreciated. Read more…

Things You Need to Do If Your Bitcoins Was Stolen

Posted on by in Cyber Security

As it is a digital era in which hacking is becoming the very coming disease in our society. It is very common due to this that Bitcoins of millions of dollar has been stolen and a person wealth is completely hacked in many cases. But this is not the end, there are different ways to protect your Bitcoins from being stolen.


Every host or exchanger will provide the basic information of the bitcoins to the owners. It is a very complex thing to protect your wealth in the form of Bitcoins. This host will provide a place or a system in which Bitcoins wallet security can be measured. But the responsibility of Bitcoins owner is not finished here, they need to assure that their bitcoin wallet is secure. Some of the people are who even stolen their complete wealth due to the hackers of Bitcoin. In this situation, people do not know what to do or what is the next steps to stolen the bitcoin. So here is a question arise that: Read more…

How to Set Parental Control on Streaming Devices

Updated on by in Videos

One of the more interesting challenges for parents nowadays is to stop their children from watching unwanted content on internet. Parents want their children’s to watch appropriate material. It’s a challenge for parents to restrict inappropriate content and to find the correct way to block them.


With home entertainment environment and home streaming devices it is not easy to set parental control. Kids now watch streaming programming on phones, laptops and they do so, according to their own schedules. Read more…