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15 Surprising Facts About Tesla’s Self-Driving Cars

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Tesla’s self-driving cars have been around for a while. It’s important to remember that there are two types of autonomous or self-driving cars. The first one doesn’t require the intervention of the driver. The second is a semi-autonomous. It’s equipped with a self-driving system, so it requires driver intervention.


It’s predicted that, in 2050, autonomous cars will represent 100% of the vehicle fleet in the world. In some surveys, people are worried about the use of these cars. They also fear that their safety will be compromised because drivers are no longer in full control. Furthermore, the AI of this type of car can decide to sacrifice the life of the driver to save other people’s lives. Read more…

20 Data Visualization Tools to Better Understand Data

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Today data can be practically seen concentrated in almost every other thing in our daily lives, ranging from the small labels on food items to critical performance reports pertaining to different industries. As a consequence, it is becoming increasingly complicated for designers worldwide to display data is a way that stands distinctly from the rest of the data streams in the competition.


Given the increasing trend of employing data visualization to attract attention to key elements in a message, there are a number of free graphic design software that can be found online to help you with the work. In order to realize how creatively you can display different types of data, there are some brilliant data visualization tools that are up to the job of providing amazing results. Read more…

8 Tools to Make Desktop Apps on Any Devices

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Technology has turned various impossibilities to possible and promising facts for today’s men. A few years back, we couldn’t even think to make our personal computer portable and now we are taking it with us even while travelling in the shape of laptops.


Smartphones are considered to be the most important part of our lives. We have made ourselves quite paralyzed and dependent upon machines. We do not even bother to calculate a small amount manually rather we put it at our smartphone calculator to get the results. No doubt that technology has saved lots of time by doing things rapidly and increased the value of multi-tasking. Read more…

20 Powerful CSS Tools for Pro Web Designers

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If you are looking for 20 best CSS tools for web design and development, then this article is very useful for you, as it provides the information regarding top 20 best tools that are used in web design and development.


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10 Amazing Things the Future of Facial Recognition Can Do

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Rewinding a little, do you remember the feature Facebook introduced that recognized you and your friends in your photographs and suggested to tag them? Now the moment you upload a picture, Facebook tags everyone for you.


This amazing technology is known as Face Recognition. The improved algorithms help in identifying your friends’ faces after they have been tagged for a few times. It is surprising to know that a human developed technology can recognize faces with maximum accuracy, just like humans. Read more…

20 Successful Website Clones: What to Learn from Them?

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Competition is not always faithful and the market economy does not always reward the best and brightest ideas. This fact has been part of developed society ever since the earliest days of capitalism, understood as the system in which supply and demand regulate the flow of products. It remains true in what concerns the last rush for gold – the online business environment.


The following websites took flattery (imitation) for the best products of Silicon Valley to new peaks, enjoying an immense growth of their own. Some were purchased by the original sites early on, others grew to dominate entire regions of the world. However, each presents a successful, however immoral, business model. Read more…

Top 20 Free Anime Streaming Sites You Should Bookmark

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Are you eager to watch anime online? Searching for amazing anime streaming sites? Okay, let me help you then. As we realize “Anime” is a term originated from the global animation. Anime is a name directed at Japanese animation series which focuses on wide concepts plus is entertaining to view. Nowadays anime has obtained high popularity.


So continue reading the following top 20 free anime streaming sites and download anime for absolutely free. Read more…

Google Self-Driving Car Vs Tesla Autopilot System: 10 Facts

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It is strange that how we can easily discuss the technologies like self-driving cars today. It was just the last decade when the world get introduced to the carts that run on the fuel instead of horses and other animals. Today, we are working on the cars which don’t need any human involvement to drive around the cities.


Talking about the self-driven or autopilot cars, two companies are investing heavily in it. One is the world renowned automobile manufacturing company Tesla, and the other is famous because of its search engine services and other tech devices Google. Read more…

15 Amazing Things You Can Do with Google Earth

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Google Earth helps you explore the world like never before. You can fly through cities, learn about landscapes and discover about the earth using this amazing tool.


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20 Efficient Strategies for Content Creation

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The days of direct advertising are not over yet but new marketing models bring improved ways of brand promotion. Content marketing is a growing trend now because good and helpful content can boost customer retention and turn consumers into brand advocates. Regular buyers spend more than 30% more than the newcomers, while they are also the best promoters of the brand.


Even though almost 90% of companies have a defined content marketing strategy, it is not easy for them to constantly create the high-quality content on a regular basis. That’s why we decided to give you an overview of the 20 most efficient strategies for content creation.
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All You Need to Know About Google AutoDraw

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The Google is not stopping, and their research and development department is also not going out of ideas. The recent example of this technological advancement is the Google AutoDraw. The Google AutoDraw is a technical wonder of artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is the new series of ongoing AI experiment of Google. The Google AutoDraw with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the ability to turn crude scribbles into clipart.


This demonstration of the combination of AI and machine learning may sound very technical to those who are linked to such technologies, but for the ordinary people, this is a very fun app. All you have to do is to pick the color and start drawing. There is no need to worry about your designing skills because Google AutoDraw is there to help you in making you not so professional drawing into the professional piece of clipart. Read more…

Top 20 Best Voice and Video Messaging Apps

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Face to face communication has been an essence of human interactions since the dawn of mankind. However, mediated communication has gained supremacy in the last decade up to the point in which direct interaction among people is being drastically reduced. Mobile apps play a crucial role in that regard.


The biggest app stores offer approximately 6 million mobile apps, while voice and video messaging products make a significant part of the overall market. Messaging apps became an anchor of social interactions and consequently, there is an increasing demand for this service. In this article, we will present you the 20 best voice and video messaging apps. Read more…

10 Tech Companies Might Face Extinction in 10 Years: Here’s Why

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Most often than not, it is hard to tell when a brand has failed, most particularly if a company fails while its brand retains its fame. In a merger or acquisition, the better-known brand represents the new company, regardless of the financial stability of the company before the merger took place.


While no one wishes for a company to fail, it’s the reminisce-inducing companies hanging on the cliff of bankruptcy that grab our attention. We watch these companies flounder until they give their final bankrupt breath and pass into the records of history. Read more…

What Tech Companies Might be Acquired by Facebook This Year

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Behemoths like Facebook, Google, and Apple, make it to the top of the news every day. While sometimes, it is about new products and inventions. Sometimes, it is in the business section, related to acquisitions and mergers. Facebook’s most recent and most impactful acquisitions include Instagram and Whatsapp. These social media and chat apps are still free, but Facebook is looking forward to making billions worth of fortune from these two (the process has already begun). Facebook bought Instagram for around $1 billion. Whereas WhatsApp scored a smooth $19 billion price tag in 2014.


Facebook is the whale of all tech firms who is always ready to acquire new businesses. Facebook is quite notorious for buying out its competitors. Be it megacorps or startups, if Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has his eyes set on a company, he will get it. That has been the norm so far. Facebook has acquired over 65 big and small businesses this far that includes names like Lightbox, Sofa, Oculus VR, Ascenta and ProtoGeoOy. Read more…

How Do I Quit Facebook? Just Follow These 10 Ways

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How do I leave Facebook? The answer seems easy enough. Just stop using Facebook. In truth it isn’t that simple. Facebook can become a time consuming addiction. Even when it’s clear that Facebook is not healthy, it can be difficult to make a clean break or even significantly reduce the amount of time you spend on it.


There is good news though. It is possible to remove Facebook from your life. Here are ten things to do to accomplish that goal. Read more…