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Bootstrap: Get Your Web Development Done Right

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The rapid swap from the usage of laptops and desktops to mobiles and tablets that is proceeding in the digital world has led the need for instant adaptation to the powerful technological developments.


In this proceeding, Bootstrap is the recent innovation in the field of web design, paving ways for new creations to the web designers. It is a powerful, responsive, mobile first, front end framework that can be developed with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Read more…

20 Most Shocking Social Media Facts and Secrets

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The worldwide population is more than 7 billion and of that 7 billion, 3.5 billion have internet access. 2.3 billion People worldwide are active social media users.


The world seems smaller now as there are various apps available now which help you communicate with people across the globe. Using social media, you can share news with a friend thousands of miles away and share it with other like-minded people around the world. This can be both a blessing and a curse. Read more…

20 Cool Google Assistant Tips You Must Learn

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In the last several years, we’ve seen Apple and Amazon push their virtual assistant platforms, Siri and Alexa. While Google’s had Google Now since 2012, it’s never been a personal assistant in the same vein as Siri and Alexa. Instead, it acted as more of a streamlined search engine.


This changed in 2016 with the release of Google’s Pixel phones. Google Assistant is here, and it’s already making an impact on the personal assistant space. Like all assistant apps, Assistant has its own tricks and shortcuts to make users’ lives easier. If you’re a new user, check out these 20 tips to help you become an expert on Google’s new product. Read more…

20 WhatsApp Tips and Tricks to Promote Your Business

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What makes WhatsApp so feasible?

WhatsApp took the communication world by storm because it is by far the most effective personal communication app on the web. The founders of the app had no clue that the app would become a pioneer of communication for not only personal purposes but for business as well.


With an annual boast of 900 million users every day, there is no better way to spread the word than on WhatsApp. There is a very popular trend of doing small home-based business and WhatsApp has become the main platform for this business to have a solid marketing opportunity. Read more…

Top 18 UI & UX Prototyping and Wireframe Tools

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The UI and the UX designers are the expert professionals who create the overall presentation style of any of the web solutions that make the use of these solutions easy and simple to understand. The user feels comfortable in using the product. The entire credit for this goes to these designers who make the use of the products satisfying and appealing.


For making this complex job happen, they make use of certain prototyping tools. The top 18 of them have been discussed here. Read more…

Ultimate Guide: How to Switch from iOS to Android

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iOS and Android are totally two different platforms. The Apple devices are found to use the iOS platforms. There is more freedom on the Android platform. Much larger variety of mobile devices use the Android technology.


If you have decided to shift from iOS to Android, the same can be done seamlessly. It may seem that the switch is difficult, but in reality, it is not so. There are ways to get over all the obstacles to make the transition smooth. Here are a few tips on carrying out this changeover. Follow them to sail into the world of Android all forget all complications of use. Read more…

20 Safest & Most Reliable Bitcoin Wallets You Can Trust

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Online money right? That is how the world is functioning nowadays with the increasing importance that the Internet is acquiring currently. Irrespective of whatever age group you fall in, you are bound to accept that the Internet has laid claim on every aspect of our lives. One of the biggest changes that the Internet has brought with it is the transition from physical money to its digital form.


Digital wallets have been the primary form of payment for a while now and Bitcoin, one of its dominant exponents. In this post, we will be talking about some of the most reliable and efficient Bitcoin wallets, but before that, you need to be aware of the type of wallets that are available. Read more…

10 Tools to Perform Keyword Research Like a Pro

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What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “search for keywords?” While some people shudder at this, others have a variety of tools and strategies for success. We cannot deny the fact that the search keywords is part of an SEO strategy advanced. Still, that does not mean that the process has to be lengthy or costly.


But is it really important to search for keywords? Believe it or not, all the time I talk to people who have never looked for new keywords. They do not see the point of doing this and there are many reasons for that: Read more…

15 Facts and Secrets on Facebook’s Fake News Problem

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The recent US elections have triggered another grave problem in the social media networks which is quite worrying. While the millennia’s consider Facebook as the major source of news from the world over, the fake news pouring in and out of this popular social media network have them thinking over an alternative source.


The news publishers had been quite worried about this new trend. In fact, the issue was so grave that almost up to 60% of the Facebook users never went beyond it for keeping themselves updated on whatever was happening around them. But during the US elections, the way fake news was spreading through Facebook had even the people directly involved with it quite worried. Read more…

20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life Easy

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If, This, Then and That, then this will happen, then would bring you to what that is called something spectacular. The one of the most simple and free web – based conditional statement service is the IFTTT. These conditional statements involved are called applets. How to use the applets is almost known to everyone one who is reading this. Let’s give it a flashback. Writing #20MostWantedIFTTTtoMakeYourLifeEasy is a conditional, which could get a trigger over a number of platforms like the Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and many others. These are even the flow-tags in the e-mails as well.


Well here we are going to discuss 20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life really Easy. Let’s begin: Read more…

20 Insane Things People Have Attempted to Sell on eBay

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Over the course of more than 20 years, eBay has developed a bizarre underbelly. While some eBay users are busy searching for household goods, others are scouring the darkest corners of the auction site in search of everything from human skulls to companionship.


In honor of eBay’s dark side, we’ve compiled a list of 20 of the most outrageous items ever sold on the site. Read more…

How Can Teenagers Become Rich on the Internet?

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Nowadays, teenagers are looking for independence from their parents and try to have their own finances while studying at college or even at high school. Thus, they usually work as part-time employees or have a temporary job in summer. It helps them to feel their value and become more experienced before entering adulthood. However, such jobs often are a big problem when it comes to getting good grades and passing exams.


In the most cases, students sacrifice their studying in order to work well, get promotion or increment. It is a pity as it may lead to dropping out and a young person is under the huge pressure and stress all the time. Read more…

15 Facts: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Wants China Market with Any Compromises

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A Short History of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is CEO and founder of Facebook, which he began in his school in the year 2004 with room-mates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes from New York City. Zuckerberg is in charge of setting the overall direction and strategy of the product for the organization. He leads Facebook’s design of development and services of its infrastructure and core technology. Mark learnt computer science at Harvard University before moving the organization to Palo Alto, California.


Previously, Zuckerberg developed and designed a music suggestion system called Synapse and a peer-to-peer client named Wirehog. Later, he decided to leave those two projects for the pursuance of new tasks. Zuckerberg went to Harvard University and educated with computer science before establishing Facebook. Read more…

15 Most Powerful Windows Built-in Tools You Must Use

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Microsoft is an ever growing company, their most known product is Windows. Almost everyone uses this amazing operating system. The question is, are you using it to its full potential? Powerful and useful tools come with this system but most people only know a few of them. Hence, some look for 3rd-party programs.


Furthermore, Windows has a lot of versions but since we are talking about it now, I would like to discuss the newer versions. From Windows 7, 8 / 8.1, and of course, Windows 10. Read more…

20 Android Nougat Features and Tips Worth Your Attention

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Google recently rolled out it’s latest Android 7.0 Nougat which is boosted up with advanced refinements to augment the overall Android experience. Nougat comes with a large number of big changes over Marshmallow (the latest Android OS). Some of these features are already found in many Android OEM skins like LG, Huawei and Samsung. With some new visual features being added, there is a lot more including enhanced functionality and exciting background stuff to see in Nougat. Let’s take a deeper insight.


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