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20 Code Optimization Tips for Your WordPress Sites

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What sense will it make to have an outstanding portfolio and a beautiful theme which is not search engine optimized? Yahoo, bing, and Google could be care less about your web design and pretty photos. They usually care about keywords, file names, tags and thousands of other extremely boring tech oriented things. But understanding of these “boring tech things” could really help you in achieving business success. Misunderstanding them could really put your business down.


Search engine optimization – SEO can help in improving quality as well as volume of traffic to your web site with the help of search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, Google etc. through the unpaid or natural search results on these search engines. Read more…

20 Free PowerPoint Templates for Impressive Presentation

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Despite the fact that there is a plenty of presentation software now, PowerPoint is still the most commonly used program. It has been around for years, adding new features and becoming even better. The problem with this program is that creating a good-looking presentation requires design skills. However, the problem is easily solved by getting free PowerPoint templates for almost any topic, idea or concept.


In this article, we have gathered really nice templates that can help you with your presentation. We have divided them into sections according to the different purposes: education, marketing, diagrams, health and fitness, and nature. Enjoy! Read more…

10 Secrets and Facts about 3D Printer You Should Know

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3D printers are catching on fast. The technology has only just initiated and now, we are waiting to see how soon it hits the mainstream market.


The hardware is definitely ready for home use. Many enthusiasts are already buying their printing products, and the industry is taking a drastic change of direction. It remains to be seen if the momentum continues, but what is undeniable is that 3D printing is a fascinating piece of machinery. To our readers excited, we have gathered a list of 10 facts you may not know about this new generation tech. Read more…

12 Useful Resume Templates for Free Download

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Your resume is a business card, an advertisement, and a biography all rolled into one. That means it’s quite hard, sometimes, to know which to focus on. We’re here to help. We’ve crawled across the web for 12 great resume templates so you don’t have to. Use them as is by filling in your data, or use them as a starting place for you to find your own style and way of doing things.


Here are some quite pointers to help you find a good job. Read more…

Interesting Facts about 3D Printing: Past, Present and Future

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3D printing is revolutionizing the way we do things. Not since the internet has one invention held the potential for creating so many positive changes in the world. Although you may not yet realize just how, chances are that it has already affected your life in some way.


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20 Podcasts All Designers and Developers Should Subscribe to

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As Bob Dylan sang long before most of us were born, the world it is a changing, especially online. Okay, he didn’t sing that last part, but that doesn’t make it less true. If you want to stay up to date with the trends and what is going on you’ve got to keep your ear to the ground – or, even better, the speaker.


Here are some podcasts that can keep you up to speed about developments and insights in the design and development world as well as what mistakes to look out for. Read more…

10 Most Wanted LINE App Tips and Tricks

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There were times when the only means of communication with loved ones was handwritten letters. Yes! People would wait for ages before they received messages from their relatives and family living oceans apart. Man however made splendid use of technology and brought into existence things that our ancestors only dreamt of.


After the advent of telephone the chain of discoveries was endless. From smart phones to tablets, every new version was more exciting than the previous one. This is what 21st century is all about; gadgets, devices, technological advancements and smart machinery. But there is one more thing that has completely transformed the regimes of connectivity. There are applications that allow instant communication not only via text messages but audio and video conferences. LINE is one such mega concept that was a result of 15 brilliant brains who were members of the NHN. Read more…

Top 13 Conversion Tools for Your Coding Needs

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Most of the web designers (if not all) usually leave the coding part to programmers or developers, as they either don’t have much time or lack the necessary coding skills to get the job done. In fact, at times even web designers with programming language favor recruiting developers to meet their coding need in a quick and accurate manner. After all, as designers, you will need to take care of several things like promoting and selling your designs.


Tip: If you’re having difficulty in finding the right sites where you can sell your designs, you can save your time by reading our other article on: Want to Sell Your Designs Online? Try These 12 E-Marketplaces. Read more…

20 Google Hangouts Animated Emojis to Impress Your Friends

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Google Hangouts offers you an excellent platform to communicate, keeping you connected on computer or smartphone, via video calls and texts. Businesses have also adopted this platform for business communication.


To give it a competitive edge over other similar platforms, Google has advanced Google Hangouts bringing on board, additional features, which are aimed at facilitating communication. One of these features is the use of Emoji. Read more…

6 Helpful Tips to Better Manage your Facebook News Feeds

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Undoubtedly Facebook is the most popular and biggest social media platform that accommodates more than 1.6 billion users every day. When there is so much attractive and billions of people use it, you should set your news feed preferences as per your choice and what you want to be sorted out in your feed.


The platform is full of whatever you want to check and see but if you don’t want your friends’ posts, photos and statuses, you can hide it and will not appear in your news feed. Selecting and being picky when it comes to having proper and desired events in the news feed will let you enjoy Facebook conveniently and in better ways by building your interest into the events. There is a lot of ways to decide what you should be in your news feed, what will appear on your wall and what will not but we are going to provide you with some useful tips to improve your news feed and enjoy happy Facebooking. Read more…

20 Uber Secrets You Should Know

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While governments and their citizens are still debating in many countries how they are going to deal with Uber drivers, this service’s figures are just increasing around the world. They are present in 58 countries at the moment, and Uber Technologies, the company behind the app, is already an over US$ 51 billion company with only around five years of age.


It puts them side by side with Facebook, the only other venture-backed startup to break the US$ 50 billion valuation so far – and yet the most famous social media network did it in seven, not in five years. But this is just one of the things you should know about Uber, so you can make the most of the app and enjoy a ride for less anywhere you go. Read more…

10 of the Biggest Tech Hubs Outside America

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It’s a well-known fact that Silicon Valley is a hive of activity for all things tech. The home of Google, Facebook and Apple among many more globally famed companies, it’s really no wonder that this is where every tech start-up aims to end up.


However, despite the fact that Silicon Valley has been the geographical anchor for an entire world of innovation, innovation is something that happens all over the world. Read more…

20 Best Free Online Tools to Create Instant Invoices

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Invoicing is one of the important tasks for any business. Often, the billing thing is supervised by the finance department of a company. But if you are a startup, we assume that you are doing it by yourself. For any startup a penny saved is a penny earned. This is why most of the small businesses look for free invoicing services for the billing purpose.


So if you are a small enterprise looking for free invoicing tools, then luckily web offers you a number of free services. Let’s find out them in the list below: Read more…

30 Uber Secrets and Facts – So You Think You Know Uber?

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Everyone thinks that Uber is that idilical place where the sun is always shining and where each and every customer is happy. Did you ever wonder what hides behind each driver’s crooked smile or what’s the secret to their successful business?


To keep up with the times, we have compiled a list of 30 secrets about the company. Note that while part of them is general knowledge, some of them have been passed down from veteran Uber drivers or clients. Read more…

30 Sites to Download Free Infographic Templates

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Infographics continue to engage viewers. Even though video has become the most popular medium for businesses to showcase their stories and products or services, the infographic serves a unique and important purpose.


Infographics can replace a lot of text and give viewers a pictorial representation of that text information – a representation that they can take time to study and mentally process. Taking that time is not always possible with a video. So, when you need to provide lots of information to a viewer, consider creating a useful infographic rather than text or video. Read more…