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Category: Web Design

20 Podcasts All Designers and Developers Should Subscribe to

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As Bob Dylan sang long before most of us were born, the world it is a changing, especially online. Okay, he didn’t sing that last part, but that doesn’t make it less true. If you want to stay up to date with the trends and what is going on you’ve got to keep your ear to the ground – or, even better, the speaker.


Here are some podcasts that can keep you up to speed about developments and insights in the design and development world as well as what mistakes to look out for. Read more…

25 Websites to Download Free Vector Graphics for Web Design

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Vector image offers a great deal of flexibility and scalability when it comes to taking them to beyond their limits such as resizing them. This is the reason why it is used for web as well as print design. The most important factor of vector images are that these can be resized, and the best part is that they have a very high elasticity which means that they can be stretched to a large size and the icing on the cake is that one cannot lose the quality of the images because they are not built of specific dots.


Moreover use of these images extends to a great extent as vector graphics are quite essential in creating design projects such as making flash animations and print ads. In this blog we have 25 online repositories from where you can get free vector graphics for your website designs. Read more…

15 Tips for a Portfolio that will Hit a “Home Run”

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Who needs a portfolio? Anyone who is involved in project work, anyone looking for a job, anyone who might be looking for a job at some points in the future, and any entrepreneur or freelancer who is looking for clients.


This covers a large group of people. Whether you are a designer, developer, artist, musician, writer, marketer, project director, engineer, architect, consultant, researcher, lawyer, or simply a student, your professional portfolio will become a key piece of your professional life. Read more…

20 Awesome CSS Tips a Web Developer Must Try

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CSS isn’t easy to deal with. As a web developer it’s always good to master the CSS fundamentals and develop stronger foundation. Here’s a list of 20 highly useful CSS Tips every web designer and developer should know.


Full list after jump. Read more…

20 Tips to Develop e-Commerce Websites for Better User Experience

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With the latest developments in E-commerce industry, the user experience of customers has splurged to a level of enhanced mobility, visuality, and social prevalence. The improved customer experience has paced the level of competition among the business owners to carve their niche as the top-notch brand.


You might be wondering as to why does user experience matter? How it defines your brand identity in the market? Or even how does it influence your business growth chart? The answer to all these questions can only be found, only if you know the meaning of user experience. In simple words, user experience (UX) is the first and foremost impression of interaction of the customers with the product and service which an E-commerce website hosts. This readily determines and influences the experience of users during the process of navigation. Read more…

25 Best Online Tools for HTML5 Developers

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HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and has added many new elements to the websites that are built using HTML5. As the websites need to be mobile-friendly these days, it is important for the web developers and designers to learn HTML5 and use it to create websites with enhanced features and compatibility with the mobile devices. HTML5 enhances the user experience that a website delivers. It also has a considerable effect on the usability of the website.


To tap the real potential of HTML5, there are many resources that you can use. These resources include frameworks, tools, techniques, libraries, and plugins. Using these tools and techniques, the web design can be made more powerful, fast, secure, interactive and attractive. Moreover, these resources aid in rapid development of the websites in a more convenient fashion. Read more…

How to Strike First Impression in Web Design

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Web design is not the most important part of your website, but it can either help or damage the first impression that people get of your website. A cheap and poorly made website is going to strike a very bad impression, and a lot of people are going to have trouble getting over that first impression. Your website could be loaded with good and accurate information, or fantastic online tools, but if your website looks cheap then people will have a hard time trusting you.


Think of your web page as a frame around a great painting. The painting may be fantastic, but when it is surrounded by an ugly frame you may question the quality of the painting. Read more…

How to Convert Web Design to Codes? Try These 20 Online Tools

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Coming up with an absolutely stunning design is the steppingstone towards development of a visually appealing and working website. Once you’ve a good design in place, it’s time to convert the same into semantic/seo-friendly HTML/CSS codes. Well, this is where the problem arises. It can be quite time-consuming and erroneous process to convert your design into codes.


Fortunately, today we have a good number of tools that allow you to convert your designs into multi-browser compatible codes. Through this post, I intend to share with you 20 high-end tools and services that serve as the best means for performing PSD to HTML/CSS conversions conveniently. Read more…

8 Serious Web Design Mistakes You Must Avoid

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What gives an indication of the web design as a good or bad? It is true that it is a subjective opinion, preferences of a particular person. But ultimately good design conveys the essence of the message, support interest and clearly visualizes the broadcasted information. Bad design, in turn, makes the message legible difficult, thereby complicating communication.


I give eight common mistakes in the web design of visual communication and how to avoid them. These tips are useful to develop a corporate website, ecommerce website or business website. Read more…

20 Sketch Plugins Every Web Designer Should Know

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Sketch is really awesome. All designers today, prefer using sketch plugins to make their websites better. Designers love sketch plugins because it helps them do better web design, faster. Sketch plugins are better alternative to the Adobe Photoshop program, because it makes designing website quite easy. Designers experience one problem the most while designing any website is dragging the stuff around quite daunting and time-consuming. However, sketch allows designers to play around with their designs in an efficient and fast manner.


Sketch is a lightweight vector-graphics app that make designers focus entirely on the design and function of the website instead of visual details. Sketch plugins also compensate for the features Photoshop lacks. Here’s the list of 20 sketch plugins that’ll help enhance the quality and efficiency of your website: Read more…

8 Skills to Have as a Web Designer and Web Developer

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These days, the distinction between web design and web development is, for all intents and purposes, blurred. The skill sets of these two key web creators seem to be required in everyone who claims to be good at creating websites. Granted, not everyone can have talent in all the skill sets for both a designer and developer. It is, nevertheless, necessary that the skills are cross-cutting.


If you are thinking of getting into web design or web development, it may seem like an overwhelming task knowing what is necessary for you to become a great website creator. Below are some of the relevant skills that you will need to be conversant with if you want to be able to create appealing and functional websites. Read more…

Top 15 Color Tools for Web and Graphic Designers

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The website is filled with various color scheme tools which promise to help you with useful offerings. A great design signifies crafting a color scheme. Some of the popular and remarkable tools can assist in perfecting your color selections. Color tools offer the web and graphic designers to turn their websites into vibrant colors that will catch the eyes of the audience and also helps to make your online user to stay on your web presence.


We’ve detailed here few of the 15 best tools for selecting color schemes that are accessible today by which one can improve their website color combinations and make it more interesting. Read more…

8 Website Design Trends to Follow in 2015 / 2016

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As a brand, you need to be relevant. If you haven’t updated the look of your website for five years or so, now is a good time to do it. Otherwise, you risk falling behind competitors who also have websites, and are more in tune with the needs of today’s customers. To give you some ideas on how to update your site, here are eight web design trends you can adopt as your own.


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10 Essential Things to Remember While Doing Ecommerce Web Design

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Online shopping is becoming a standard of living and is turning the norm for quite a few people, utilizing the World Wide Web to help them deal with their busy scheduled lives. People enjoy the comfort of online shopping sitting their home and purchasing the things of their choice. This is the only fact why people like online shopping. Well businesses with ecommerce websites are running more successfully as compared to any other online business.


If you are a businessperson and are dealing with the selling and purchasing of thousands of products then designing an eCommerce website for your business is the best thing you can do for enjoying your profits. Here in this post we will talk about some necessary things that you should remember while designing your ecommerce website. Let us have a look: Read more…

10 Common Web Designing Mistakes to Avoid

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A professionally designed website can help you to attract the attention of your targeted customers. Along with being attractive, design of the website should also reflect on the unique qualities of your business. In this modernized world, people are designing websites for their online business to stay over the edge and to remain ahead of their competitors. While surfing the internet, you may have come across a large number of web designing mistakes that must be avoided to achieve a perfect website design for your business.


Here is a list of top 10 mistakes that are usually committed by business owners designing their own website. Being humans, we all are prone to make mistakes however below written web designing mistakes must be avoided to create impressive and professional looking website. Read more…