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Category: Web Tools

Top 30 Tools to Create Your Own Infographics

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You are probably already familiar with the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. If you see infographics the same way, you can basically picture them as the aid you needed in the first place to communicate an idea in a more visual way.


Starting to use infographics more often is going to help increase the number of visitors you get as well. If you try to put yourself for a second in a visitor’s shoes, you will also see that you’d prefer to be offered more visual content rather than all text. Infographics are easier to follow, comprise lots of relevant data and they’re catchy and share-worthy. Read more…

Top 18 Tools to Improve Your Dropbox Experience

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The cloud storage industry changed the way we perceive computing. Steve Jobs said it well: “It’s faster in every case to talk to the server than it is my local hard disk… Carrying around these non-connected computers − with tons of data and state in them − is byzantine by comparison.”


Cloud services enable their users to store files on safe, external servers, and share that data with anyone who has access to the Internet. Dropbox, as one of the most popular cloud services, has 500 million users around the world. That piece of information is overwhelming, isn’t it? Read more…

15 Reddit User and Data Analytic Tools

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When you take data-driven decisions, they help you greatly in the success of marketing. You must be very decisive while choosing a marketing analytics tool, measuring your data, and optimizing your marketing efforts as it assists in making a difference in reaching out your marketing goals.

reddit-user-data- analytic-tools

Today, we will be reviewing a range of marketing tools associated with Reddit and Data Analytics. These tools consists of different goals, strengths, weaknesses, and features. Make sure to select the right set of tools that may help you knowing the data and use it to boost the marketing results. Read more…

Top 20 Webinar Tools for Hosting Online Meetings

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Companies all over the world have turned to online webinar services for their meetings and opted out of physically having to travel to and from meetings. This provides a plethora of benefits, some of which include versatility, the openness of the platform of choice as well as reduced costs and overall downtime in the workflow.


Webinar tools have evolved since their birth and allow a huge number of options not only for the meetings but also for pre-meetings and feedback that follows. So what are some of the top tools to use for web meetings if you are on the lookout for a new and exciting professional service for your company? Read more…

Top 15 Bitcoin Wallets with the Lowest Transaction Fee

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Now, more than ever, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are gaining stream in the world of online marketplaces. In less than a decade, Bitcoin has grown from a niche project to a virtual economy encompassing roughly $50 billion.


Everybody – from cryptocurrency enthusiasts to investors – has been jumping on the Bitcoin bandwagon. It’s only natural that many are becoming curious about how this currency works and how they can buy, sell and trade with it. In order to make the process easier, Bitcoin wallets provide owners with the ability to safely store and transfer payments to and from anywhere in the world. Read more…

Top 20 Product Reviews and Service Ratings Sites You Can Trust

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Do you often shop online for items or services? It can take a while to browse through page after page of information on each product or service and the reviews that so many people put up are often tough to weed through to find honest thoughts or ones that pertain to exactly what you need. It can be very frustrating to weed through the reviews online. Do you know how to sort through reviews to tell which are real and which might be phony?


It isn’t always easy to determine which websites are the most reliable when it comes to finding great product or service reviews. You could spend hours searching the internet for those websites or you can take a look at these 20 best product and service review sites. Skip the search and go right for the best review sites out there. Read more…

20 Tools & Apps to Design Event Invitation Card with Ease

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Each year, we send out invitation cards for birthdays, barbecues, weddings, and other events to friends and family with the aim of sharing our great life moments with them. In most cases, we find it comfortable hiring someone to design these invitation cards for us. But what if I told you that it is possible to create your invitation cards yourself instead of hiring someone? Well, you can. With the help of certain tools, creating invitation cards is easy, fun, and in most cases cost effective. All you need is your PC and an internet connection to make invitation cards from the comfort of your home.


Here are 20 tools and apps that will help you make amazing event invitation cards: Read more…

5 Easy Ways to Download a Website for Offline Viewing

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While it is becoming increasingly rare, there still exists that horrifying time when you don’t have WIFI or 4G; a scary thought, I know. When you are in this situation though, there is a way to access your favourite websites without the internet. It is possible to download a full website onto your hard-drive that you can than access on the go, whether you’re at your grandparent’s country house in the middle of nowhere, or on the train with no 4G for a few hours. There are several ways to download a website, and we are going to breakdown 5 of the best.


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20 Best Product & Service Review Sites from Experts

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Expert reviews for products and services can be a great insight for the consumer when making a difficult choice on a purchase. If the product or service is expensive it can be especially difficult for regular customers without in-depth knowledge to make a purchase and choose the best course of action. There is a large number of sites on the internet who deal in reviews so you should always look for a few reviews on any topic you want so you can compare and cross reference.


In this way, you will also avoid sponsored reviewers and the subjective opinion of a reviewer. The person reviewing some product or service is a person after all and no matter how big of an expert he or she is they can have some subjective preferences that would not suit you as a user of the product. Read more…

20 Data Visualization Tools to Better Understand Data

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Today data can be practically seen concentrated in almost every other thing in our daily lives, ranging from the small labels on food items to critical performance reports pertaining to different industries. As a consequence, it is becoming increasingly complicated for designers worldwide to display data is a way that stands distinctly from the rest of the data streams in the competition.


Given the increasing trend of employing data visualization to attract attention to key elements in a message, there are a number of free graphic design software that can be found online to help you with the work. In order to realize how creatively you can display different types of data, there are some brilliant data visualization tools that are up to the job of providing amazing results. Read more…

15 Amazing Things You Can Do with Google Earth

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Google Earth helps you explore the world like never before. You can fly through cities, learn about landscapes and discover about the earth using this amazing tool.


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Google Classroom: 20 Awesome Things You Can Do with It

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Digital Learning has transformed a lot. Students can get research paper help online and teachers have an easier task doing their work in schools. They can now plan, communicate, and teach more efficiently without wasting a lot of time. One such advancement that has allowed for this great change is Google Classroom.


If you’re an active user of the internet or if you have been searching the best paper writing service, you may have stumbled upon Google classroom. If not, Google classroom is as common as a chalkboard or a smart board in today’s classroom. It helps you create a blended classroom fast and easy. This tool integrates with Google Drive to make it easy for students to create assignments and collect their work. Read more…

15 Free Tools To Create Wedding Photo Slideshows

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A wedding is a perfect time that makes you want to capture every second. And it is not strange because the pictures from this significant day will cheer you up and bring warm memories for many years. In the past, people were making wedding photo albums. But today it is much easier to keep these memories.


The progress does not stand still, and instead of photo frames and albums, people can store all these pictures in digital format on their smartphones or at home on the computer. This technological progress had also given us some new opportunities. Now you can keep not only pictures that capture pleasant moments of your life but also make various collages, videos, and slideshows, and the best thing about it is that you can do them yourself – all you will need is a gadget, favorite photos, and free slideshow maker. Read more…

12 Sites to Send Free Sms Text Message from PC to Mobile

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SMS messages have always been a vital source of text communication in the world, and despite the enormous popularity of many smartphone message app, SMS still stays in the top priority. Most of the companies in the world still rely on SMS when they try to communicate with their clients.


SMS is considered as a secured source of communication, and most of the banks depend on this service when they are sending any kind of private messages to their clients. People mostly believe that SMS can only access from mobile, but there are many websites that allow users to send SMS from PC to mobile. Read more…

20 Best Tools to Send and Share Large Files Online

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In an age where the computer is king, businesses and individuals alike have a requirement to send and receive files larger than their email provider allows for.


Graphic design companies and other professionals constantly make use of large files, well above the usual 20mb limit allowed in emails (dependent on your provider). To compensate for this, outside tools are used to share such files with colleagues and clients – below we have listed 20 of the best file sharing tools on offer. Read more…