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Category: Web Tools

15 Free Image Compression and Optimization Tools

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Amazon has paid the price of a slowdown in an incident that took place some time ago. The presence of CSS files, images, video, Javascript files etc can result in your site taking more time to load. This is why there is a need for an image optimizing tool. Below find a list of exclusive apps that are very effective in terms of image optimization. Read more…

Facebook City Guides vs. Google Trips: 15 Comparisons

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There are places just waiting to be explored, and where you eventually go will depend on the unique experience you want to have. From mountains to the cities, to forests, lakes and the beach, there is so much to see with every area being worth the journey. If you have a certain experience or location in mind, you have to know where to look on how to make the most of your time there. Facebook fans will have noticed a new feature in the mobile app that provides City Guides for travelers based on the locations that their friends have been to in that city.


A Facebook spokesman noted that this is an attempt at a redesign of city pages with more centralized data; the company’s goal is to allow users to get a better and more interactive feel for a city. But City Guides is coming late to the game by offering this service, trailing behind Google Trips. So which one is going to be the better travel application here? Read more…

20 Best Online Dating Sites and Apps to Find Love

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Finding love is easier than it ever has been. There are a wide range of dating sites and apps that puts single people in touch in just a few clicks. If you are looking for the right person then knowing what apps or sites you should use will make the process a lot easier. Below are the 20 best online dating sites and apps that you should use to find your next date.


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20 Effective To-Do List Tools to Get Things Done

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We all see the first autumn or first Monday of the year as a chance to start a new life. For some students, this is an opportunity to become better paper writers or maximize on studies. That’s how most of us are used to implementing changes in life. However, there is an easier practice that can bring a new system to our daily life. That’s creating a to-do list.


Despite a to-do list having an ancient origin, it’s still an effective method that enables us to accept long-term changes. In the contemporary society, however, we use innovative gadgets more than notes that are written on papers. That’s logical from the evolution point of view. Read more…

Top 20 Remote Access & Screen-Sharing Tools

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With the advancement in the field of technology, today there is a huge variety of remote access and screen sharing tools available. Without a doubt, using these tools, we can solve various designing / development issues instead of sticking up on your phone and resolving. Allow me to discuss top 20 remote access and screen sharing tools and apps.


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Top 20 Customer Feedback Tools to Improve Conversion

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Making sure that a mobile application development company is operating at peak performance can be difficult to accomplish. One of the most effective methods improving sales is obtained customer feedback. Whether you manage an iPhone app development company or an Android app development company, when it comes to customer feedback tools, deciding on which tools to use can be a challenge.


In order to help you find the right tools, we have created a list of 20 tools that can help streamline the feedback process and analyze the data efficiently. Read more…

20 Safest & Most Reliable Bitcoin Wallets You Can Trust

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Online money right? That is how the world is functioning nowadays with the increasing importance that the Internet is acquiring currently. Irrespective of whatever age group you fall in, you are bound to accept that the Internet has laid claim on every aspect of our lives. One of the biggest changes that the Internet has brought with it is the transition from physical money to its digital form.


Digital wallets have been the primary form of payment for a while now and Bitcoin, one of its dominant exponents. In this post, we will be talking about some of the most reliable and efficient Bitcoin wallets, but before that, you need to be aware of the type of wallets that are available. Read more…

20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life Easy

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If, This, Then and That, then this will happen, then would bring you to what that is called something spectacular. The one of the most simple and free web – based conditional statement service is the IFTTT. These conditional statements involved are called applets. How to use the applets is almost known to everyone one who is reading this. Let’s give it a flashback. Writing #20MostWantedIFTTTtoMakeYourLifeEasy is a conditional, which could get a trigger over a number of platforms like the Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and many others. These are even the flow-tags in the e-mails as well.


Well here we are going to discuss 20 Most Wanted IFTTT to Make Your Life really Easy. Let’s begin: Read more…

18 Best Bitcoin Wallets To Store Bitcoin

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Bitcoin wallets are important because, without these wallets, you cannot send or receive Bitcoin payments. If you are planning to send or receive Bitcoin payment, it is mandatory that you possess a Bitcoin wallet, and before that you must be aware of all sorts of Bitcoin wallets so that you can choose one which suits you perfectly. There are four main categories of Bitcoin wallets: Online, Hardware, Software, and Paper wallets. As the name suggests, online wallets can be accessed from any internet source; hardware wallets are physical devices that are more secure; software wallets are like software applications; paper wallets are printed offline keys.


We also divide Bitcoin wallets into other categories like Universal wallets, mobile wallets, and desktop wallets etc. We have created a list of 18 best Bitcoin wallets which will give you an overall understanding of the pros and cons of different wallets. Read more…

PayPal: 20 Interesting Facts, Statistics and Figures

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In 21st century the humanity can’t imagine the life without e-commerce. It has a huge impact on people’s decisions, and I consider it to be a big reason enough why e-commerce can no longer be ignored. Today, product’s perfect quality and relevant price do not guarantee its producer a success.


E-commerce – a system which every businessman must pay attention to and consider it when starting any activity. And one of the most important elements of e-commerce is its payment systems. While different devices give an opportunity to buy the product without leaving your home, payment system cares about money transactions. Read more…

18 Sites to Find out What’s Hot and Trending Online

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Everyone wants to make the most out of the hot and trending online topics. With the whole world now connected, it might become difficult to find out what subjects are the most popular. Gaining insight is easy, but gaining meaningful insight is a lot more difficult. These tools will help you spot the hottest topics in any given niche so you’ll never be out of the loop.


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Top 30 Web Tools to Monitor Website Downtime

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Downtime is no longer considered a good thing. Years ago it was a word that meant relaxing, resting, catching your breath, but today in the world of blogs and websites downtime is the worst possible thing that can happen. In March of this year Amazon went down for 20 minutes or so. Those 20 minutes cost the online retail store over $3.5 million.


So, it is a big challenge for every web developer about what should be emphasized. That’s why ‘how to monitor website’ is an ongoing question so we’ve put together a list of our top 30 tools to monitor your website’s uptime and its downtime history. We’ve included paid as well as free, yes free tools on our list and even though it’s fairly comprehensive it is by no means definitive. Read more…

20 Chatbot Creators: How to Build Your Customized Chatbot

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A Chatbot is a program that mimics human interaction. It automatically chats with internet users and gives a series of pre-prepared answers according to what they ask. It is actually an interactive FAQ tool that becomes more and more useful as you add more and more questions and answers to it.

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Top 30 Price Watching & Tracking Tools for Online Shopping

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E-shopping has changed the way to shop products for consumers. People love online shopping pattern because they don’t have to leave their home, spend money on fuel, make extra time to shop, and visit distinct vendors in a day. It just makes sense to them to go online shopping site and add the product to the cart, make payment and wait for the delivery at home. After getting online shopping tips from experts, consumers or shoppers take interest in discounts, price drops, cashback offers and similar treats.


Tracking such offers is a difficult job and not all buyers have that much time for this job. To help them with this, experts are sharing numerous online tools to help them in tracking the lowest price of their desired products. These tools will also help in grabbing the best deals. Some tools will send email or push notifications to the users, so that they can instantly access the big sales and discounts. Read more…

Top 27 Websites to List Your Business Online

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If you want your customers to find you easier and learn about what your business has on offer, place your business information on the following top 27 websites and get your business listed online.


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