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100 Useful Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Might Not Know

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There are a lot of businesses that focus on the technical side of things. And as many of you believe, there are companies who rely on application and software that tracks the activity rate of its employees. This helps them monitor the activity levels and the projects that employees are currently working on. For one thing, keyboard shortcuts are one of the most effective ways to increase your productivity rate.


Let’s assume that you are the type of person who easily does things without distractions and prefer to do it in one go. So, let’s say you are editing a draft of a book and it needs to go under an ePub conversion services first, and you’ve considered it as ready for publish you just need to add a few images to the document. Well, what if I said that you do not have to move your mouse around to find the right window containing the photos? You can shortcut you way to various actions in your computer with all but a press away. Read more…

Outsourcing Tips: How to Find the Right Specialist for Business

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Running a small business may sound simple when you first start out, but soon enough you will realize that there is more to it than you thought. The core business may be right up your alley, but how about the other small but necessary tasks?


Let us say you start an online business selling made-to-order cakes. You are a great baker, and your cakes are an instant hit with all your customers. The trouble is, only a few people know about you. You know you need to do online marketing, but you do not know where to start? This is when you should consider outsourcing. Read more…

15 Ways Google Collects Your Private Info and Data

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Google and “privacy” are two words that have never gotten along well. The industry leader has often been accused of going too far in their data collection on users. There is very little that the company cannot know, and this should alarm you. They act benevolent now and promise to never share data maliciously, but promises can be broken and power structures changed. Chances are that when Google gets a new CEO, they will still have your data, and they will still be able to damage you with it.


Here are 15 methods that Google can and will use to collect your personal information: Read more…

Top 20 SVG Tools for Graphic Design

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As far as the importance and contributions of SVG tools are concerned, there is need of understanding the notion or concept of SVG that what SVG is all about. SVG is commonly known as scalable vector graphic that is composed of various kinds of graphic objects that are useful in the field of designing. This aspect must be taken into consideration that web designers prefer to use SVG tools because these tools provide resolution independence. These tools can also be termed as the vector, raster and text graphics as these tools could be utilized in order to make designs stylish and attractive according to the needs of web designers.


The tools are very much lighter and at the same time they are also assumed as browser agnostic, these tools are very helpful in creating effective web graphics designs. There are 20 best tools available for web designers so that they can create efficient designs. These tools are discussed, which are as follows: Read more…

24 Reddit Tips & Tricks You Can’t Miss out

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Reddit is one of the biggest social networking sites and renowned as “The Front Page of the Internet”. The slogan is apt since it has given web users a platform to share and discuss different subjects. Anyone can register and create an account on Reddit. Many contributors, known as Redditors on Reddit, contribute by submitting content on Reddit and sharing it with other web users.


With so many Redditors, users and communities on Reddit, navigating the site can be a bit overwhelming for you. If you have never been on Reddit and are looking to dive into it, these top Reddit tricks are here to help you find the best content and to make the complex functionalities easier. Read more…

10 URLs to Find out What Google Knows About You

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The idea that Google probably knows more than your therapist and lawyer is scary, isn’t it? Google, the world’s most popular search engine knows you inside out thanks to your search history. It keeps a track of all your online activities through various hidden tools and it’s really not that difficult for Google to spy on its users since most people use Google products like Chrome, Gmail, and YouTube.


Our online searches are often personal and we do not want the outside world to know about them. Discretion in this case is totally justified since every individual has a right to privacy. Moreover if others have access to your web search history it is quite easy for you to fall in the ‘getting hacked’ club since the anonymous hackers will have all the necessary information from your chrome history like your likes, dislikes and thus gain a general idea about your personality. Read more…

How to Find and Hire Top Tech Talents

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Hiring new employees is a commonplace for managers, especially, if we talk about large companies. In these cases, hirers often deal with new applicants weekly. Application process seems to be structured and well-known and there are no problems on the surface. However, sometimes hirers face with various tiny or substantial difficulties.


Let’s consider hiring tech talents. People who are applying for tech position must obtain particular skills and qualities. When it comes to tech jobs, vast knowledge is required as a lot depends on employee’s awareness. Moreover, it would be really good to be that one who has an experience or a passion to its work. At this rate, a company will manage to prosper with a help of real tech professionals. Read more…

Devil’s Dozen of Online Courses to Help You Become a Great Entrepreneur

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Becoming a businessman is not a result of college graduation with special business classes. You can’t realize how to become a businessman just listening to classes ruled by teachers with only theoretical knowledge and no practice.


Fortunately, today you can find many different options. You can easily find necessary courses online, choosing from free and surcharge propositions. Any business is built on management and fundamental knowledge about business features. You need to use your leadership and communicative skills to make a good team. Read more…

15 Types of Web Developers & Designers for Highly Competitive Projects

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“Rome was not built in a day”, same goes with your web project. Those who are a tech enthusiast might be well aware of this fact as there are different stages of web development such as

  • Getting acquainted or gathering information
  • Defining scope and planning
  • Web design
  • Web/ technical development
  • Testing and delivery
  • Maintenance


Ever development process needs to carry on this complete development flow so as to built highly competitive projects. Thus, you need people for specific roles and they need to have a knack for what they are doing then only one can get phenomenal projects. Read more…

20 Awesome CSS Tips a Web Developer Must Try

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CSS isn’t easy to deal with. As a web developer it’s always good to master the CSS fundamentals and develop stronger foundation. Here’s a list of 20 highly useful CSS Tips every web designer and developer should know.


Full list after jump. Read more…

10 Ways How Hackers Attack Your Social Media Accounts

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A decade ago, it was simply our personal computers that we wanted to protect when it came to computing. However, nowadays the stakes are much higher and the things we have to worry about in much greater numbers. For instance, the banking accounts that we use online or even social media can be the target of attacks. That’s why Facebook more or less recently launched partnership with Kaspersky in order to make their whole experience more secure. Along with that, were launched some pages and exclusive content explaining how exactly the dynamics of security really worked when it came to social media.


Did you know your social media content and activity could be at risk? Read more…

10 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Post for Search Engines

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Blogging isn’t just a scroll of a mouse. If you want to get high rankings in the search engine, it takes a great effort than just sitting down and waiting for views. Everyone might have heard of SEO and its benefits but let’s admit it, we don’t always have the time in the world to do both SEO and ensuring the business and product’s quality.


There is always an available writing service that could provide you with SEO. You may want to hire someone who could do your SEO or you make and write essay about it; but if you do not want to spend much, then read on and learn the methods of optimizing your blog posts. Read more…

15 Tips for Hiring the Right Tech Talents

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In today’s time, Technology continues to evolve in a rapid rate. It can be obviously seen with all the current trends of our lifestyle as we keep a hold of those smart phones and laptops. The youth, as early as the age of 10, are exposed to gadgets and gizmos which encourage them to learn the tricks of today’s technology. And as the year continues on, it is likely that there will be more of these innovations produced in a short span of time given that a fast-paced advancement of science and mechanical journey is a natural course for technology.


Now our job is to make sure that we also adapt in chorus with it due to technology growing to be an essential part of our lifestyle, and even more so in the business department. Read more…

Top 20 Collaboration and Management Tools for Students

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People are working with capacity and effort these days and they are up to date with the latest technology. For communication and collaboration purposes, various study tools are available that can make the lives of students easy. Whether it is studying, handling assignments or communicating with friends, these tools can largely help students. Top 20 tools that can help students to perform collaborative study are as follows:


Read more…

25 Free VPN Services to Surf Internet Anonymously

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Almost every internet user knows that a virtual private network (VPN) allows you to encrypt data connections thereby securing you PC and other communications devices. Another major attraction of VPN is the “Anonymity”, which is the focus of this article, which users enjoy while using VPN. Every VPN service provides anonymity, however, there are some internet service providers (ISPs) that try to maintain activity logs and furnish details when required by authorities. Nevertheless, there are some VPN services who have located their servers in countries where a clearly defined legal framework is under development and thus allows full anonymity.


If you grant 1 wish to any VPN user which a genie could realise; then it will certainly be to get free VPN service. This is because there are hundreds of VPN services that are costly and yet do not deliver the level of service that they promise. If you wish the same your wish has just been granted! As following is a list of 25 VPN service to surf internet anonymously. Enjoy! Read more…