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Tag: social media

10 Commandments of Using Social Media for Company Blog

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Blogging is in great demand. Today, most businesses worth their salt are investing their marketing dollars in blogging to bring more traffic to their websites. These businesses are also using social media to promote their blog content to get the desired results from their blogging efforts.


However, social media operates under a set of rules. Every time you share a social post, you will be tried in the court of public opinion. This court is of significant importance as it is getting bigger by the day and also because it’s the people’s court both in letter and spirit; it’s the people who are sitting in judgment. For businesses that don’t follow the guidelines set by this court, the verdicts can be harsher than a court of law. Read more…

32 Instagram Tips to Promote Your Blog, Brand and Business

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Social marketing is not limited to the Famous Facebook and Twitter only. When it comes to posting photo updates online Instagram could be the better choice to market your brands and businesses. The mobile photo and video sharing app has more than 200 million active users including celebrities, top brands and multinational corporations worldwide.


We all know that a picture speaks thousands of words. If you happen to post some really awesome and exclusive photos and videos on this rising social platform, chances are you could get instant overnight viral success. To help you achieve that below we’ve gathered 32 proven tips for you to better engage with and attract more Instagram followers. Read more…

9 Web Apps to Display All Your Social Network Feeds in One Place

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How many social networks do you use to keep yourself updated on what’s happening amongst your circle of friends and news from across the world? Everyday, with so many posts, tweets, photos and videos being uploaded to social networks, it’s certainly not an easy task to log on every of your social account for updates.


However, the good news is that the hassle can be avoided through some awesome web applications. Below we’ve compiled a list of extremely useful social media feed aggregators where you can view all your social feeds in one place. It means that you can check out all your status updates from Facebook, tweets on Twitter, posts from Google+ and even photos from Instagram simultaneously, within one browser window. Read more…

What is The Future of Social Search?

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Compared to just a couple of decades ago, the way that we’re able to find information has radically changed. Before the internet, discovering what you wanted to know would mean tracking down and asking someone knowledgeable on the subject or finding an educational book or video that provided the answers. For more complicated inquires, this was neither a simple nor quick task.


In 1994, some of the first search engines were coming onto the scene and gaining popularity along the small number of internet users online at the time. Platforms like Lycos, WebCrawler and Yahoo were finally giving people instant access to a wealth of knowledge. Read more…

Social Media Myths and Truths Every Digital Marketer Should Know

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It’s been a decade since social media became mainstream. While the invention of Internet and social media, in particular, has made life easy for many business developers, there is still a lot of ambiguity about the real power and usefulness of social media. Here are presented some myths and truths about social media backed by extensive findings from experts.


There was never much doubt about the power of networking for business growth. A good network supports a healthy discussion, creates positive buzz about a product, increases sales, finds new customers and makes a fortune on the bottom line. Read more…

The Future of Security on Social Networks

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The social networking bug has bitten and gone viral. With invitations to join Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, MySpace and many more streaming through the inbox and endless new networks cropping up by the day, connecting with friends, family and business associates all on one platform, has never been easier.


For example, take Facebook. A name synonymous with social networking, this media powerhouse has taken the Internet by storm. If its popularity is anything to go by, the user count is predicted to run into billions in the next few years. Add to this the amount of private information being uploaded every second on hundreds of social networks that overrun the web and what you get is a strong requirement for security measures to be firmly established. Read more…

10 Must-Know Social Media Tips to Promote Your Blog

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It goes without saying that social media is the world’s trending tool for communication. You can use this unique way of communication to promote your blog on multiple social media platforms. Unlike shopping for cheap gadget insurance, promoting your blog through social media takes an ample amount of time.


Experts say you should spend four times more time promoting your blog than you should actually spend on perfecting your blog and writing blog posts. After all, if you spend too much time perfecting and writing it and no time promoting it, all your hard work will go unnoticed. With these ten tips, you’ll be on your way to having a successful blog with a large audience. Read more…

How Social Networking Policy is Changing Privacy

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Social media – one of several offshoots of the internet – has completely changed the way people interact and socialize in cyber space. With a large number of people spending a good chunk of their time on various social media websites each day; these multimillion dollar corporations have developed huge databases containing personal bio of millions of users. This essentially means that these particular websites, by means of their terms of service, have the liberty to modify, ban or completely remove a user’s content as they see fit.


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How to Protect Your Post Privacy on Facebook

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Facebook is the best place for sharing your status updates with family and friends. However, sometimes you might have some interesting outdoor activities which you want to share with your friends only and not your colleagues. Or there are some personal things that can only be shared with your family members and not the others. To manage your post privacy, you should keep these people separated, putting them into groups like family, close friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. This helps you to easily share information with relevant people and avoid some sensitive data to be seen by others.


Below we’ve written 2 step-by-step tutorials guiding you to create a friend list of your own on Facebook as well as restrict certain people from seeing your posts. We hope these simple tutorials and screenshots are helpful for protecting your post privacy. Read more…

12 Twitter Tools to Search Hashtags, Tweets and Mentions

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Yesterday we’ve recommended you 4 tools for searching hashtags across multiple social networking sites. During our research for this particular topic, we’ve stumbled upon quite a number of online services developed for exploring and analyzing hashtags from Twitter only. Apart from hashtags, contents like Mentions, Tweets and user profiles can also be managed by using these free and user-friendly tools.


In today’s post, we’ve rounded up 12 Twitter hashtags tools, adding to our existing 14 hashtag tools collection. That means you’ll have total 26 hashtag online resources to help you make the most out of this popular microblogging service. Read more…

4 Online Tools to Search Hashtags from Multiple Social Networks

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Hashtag is one of the easiest ways to share and follow a specific topic on the Web. It was firstly used within IRC networks for labelling groups, and rapidly gained popularity through Twitter. These days hashtags have been widely used on many social networking services such as Instagram, Google+, Orkut, Pinterest, Tout, etc. And the good news is that Facebook will soon be supporting this form of metadata tag too.


Previously, we’ve published a post introducing 14 Twitter hashtag tools to keep track of trending topics. Today, we would like to recommend another 2 online services that not only can search hashtags from within Twitter but also other major social networking sites. So if you want to search hashtags on multiple social media sites to explore the latest trending topics, or promote your products, services and campaigns, then these free tools can be very helpful to you. Read more…

Ways Brand Use Social Games in Facebook

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Any company would be able to help their new brand by encouraging community members to play games online. This is particularly successful through the social site Facebook. Social media can make a brand world-wide as it goes viral. It is much cleverer then basic advertising. Gaming is addictive, fun and talked about!


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14 Sites to Download Free Twitter Header Images

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Since Twitter launched its new profile header feature, we’ve published 2 posts to teach you creating your own Twitter header cover and to showcase some of the most creative header images created by talented designers worldwide. Similar to Facebook Timeline covers, it’s important to custom design an impressive header for your Twitter profile page. Not only can it helps to build a good image for your social media presence, but it can also attract more followers and improve social interaction.


If you haven’t figured out any ideas to design your header cover, why don’t you try some “ready made” header banners which can be easily found from the Web? Below we’ve listed 14 websites where you can download tons of eye-catching, creative and beautiful header images for your Twitter profile. And yes, they are all free to download. Read more…

9 Ways to Utilize Google+ Communities for Branding and Marketing

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Search engine and social media marketing have become essential components of any business plan in the 21st century and chances are you are already utilizing social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to market your company or your blog.


With everyone and their nephew diving headfirst into the social media marketing pool, it can seem daunting to rise above the deluge and effectively increase brand awareness, generate a following and build brand authority and trust.

Thus it has become vital that you get on the cutting-edge of the social media landscape, and take advantage of the latest developments before your competition and every other marketing imitator gets their foot in the door. Read more…

Coordinating Social Media and SEO Strategies for Effective Blog Promotion

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Social media, the online media platform that has turned the world of communication and mass media head over heels. From communication to advertising, from personal communication to mass communication, social media has forayed into almost every business vertical and sector. This has been the trend in the past ten years, and certainly will be so in the foreseeable future.


At its current rate of gaining prominence, it could soon slay other traditional media forms such as print and broadcast media. The current social media revolution has been spurred on by increased access to and widespread usage of broadband Internet around the world. At this juncture, social media has become an irresistible force of the Internet world. Read more…