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Category: Cyber Security

Latest Facebook Privacy and Security Features to Protect Users

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Facebook, from the past many years; has gained the reputation of being a largest online social network podium across the globe. The influence of Facebook is too wide and its usability is so convenient that people of all ages such as a teenager, youth and senior citizens can even access it without any hassle. More than this, it has gained popularity in remote areas of every country in such a manner that you easily get connected and can interact with parents, neighbours, relatives and the known ones.


But sometimes, you may get confronted with uncertain problems that have breached your FB account security and privacy. With the consistent arising of problems in Facebook, the merits between public and private space are getting diminished or blurred consistently as the time passes by. Without being aware of FB security and privacy features, you might end up becoming prey to identity theft, malicious activities as well as phishing attack plotted by the scammers and cyberpunks. Read more…

Top 20 Best File Encryption Tools for Privacy Protection

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Cyber security is a real problem in today’s digital world. According to Symantec, nearly 1 million cyber-attacks occurred daily in 2015. Symantec also reports that up to 75 percent of websites contain unpatched vulnerabilities, which puts everyone online at risk.


One way to mitigate your risk of becoming a cyber-attack victim is to encrypt your data. That way, even if someone does get their hands on your data, it drastically reduces the chance that they can actually use it against you. Check out these top 20 file encryption tools that will help ensure your privacy online and on your desktop, listed in no particular order. Read more…

Top 20 Privacy Protection Apps & Tools You Should Install

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As the world gets more digitally driven and the number of smartphone users increase, there are rising concerns about how individual and corporate privacy may be protected. In the light of the Snowden files, people have become more aware about the reality of privacy breaches and digital intrusion. Suddenly your personal details or files may not be so personal anymore.


To guard against cyber-ware and malicious attack, here are 20 privacy protection apps you can install on your mobile. Read more…

Top 15 Websites to Learn Ethical Hacking Like a Pro

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Ethical hacking is a practice that does not undermine digital rights of another party. The hacker gets access to his or her desired online source.


Ethical hacker is watchman for different websites who explores system’s weaknesses that a criminal computer expert can use in order to gain access to various online platforms. Ethical hacker does not destroy information or data. He or she reports directly to the organizational management to inform about potential vulnerability of the system. An ethical hacker also proactively works in order to resolve various security issues. Read more…

15 Ways to Store, Protect and Manage Your Online Passwords

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There’s a good chance you’re living your life online now. You’ve probably got an interactive platform to work with colleagues and a home wifi network plan that’s designed to keep Netflix streaming as smooth as possible. There’s an app (or program) for literally everything you can imagine. It’s a great time to be alive.


But for all the progress we’ve made and the convenience we have, we still haven’t figured out how to provide access securely. Even the most sophisticated algorithm and cutting edge computer software is locked behind a traditional password. The average person tends to have over 19 different passwords and 33% of all internet users use passwords that are insecure. Read more…

15 Most Common PayPal Scams You Must Avoid

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PayPal is one of the most important payment systems in the world that is used by millions of people. Being a huge fan of the platform myself, I have used it for many years and encountered a number of scams during this time. Apparently, scammers try to take advantage of the popularity of the platform from the very first year it was introduced, so there are many scams.


No one wants to lose money from PayPal account. Getting robbed online is one of worst things because the account becomes exposed and should not be used again until everything is cleared. It is clear that you should have a strong password on your account to protect from being accessed by someone else but you have to apply some extra effort to make sure that everything is secured. Read more…

10 Interesting Facts about Data Encryption You Must Know

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Data encryption is where messages are encoded in a way that only those allowed can read the information. Although it does not prevent interception, it does prevent the content of the message from being read by those who do not have permission to do so. Encryption is used to protect data that is being transferred by networks, mobile phones, wireless microphones, wireless intercom systems, Bluetooth devices, and ATMs. Sensitive data should be encrypted. These include:


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15 Serious Global Threats to Today’s Internet

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We are living in the technological advanced age in which every second is a challenge for all of us. The Invent of internet has made our lives easy and innovative but on the other hand, it has opened ways for cybercrime that has given birth to the global internet security threats. As there is more innovation, hackers are exploring more ways to attack the cyber space security with more sophisticated attempts.


Here i am going to describe the top 15 threats to today’s internet security: Read more…

Top 20 Most Destructive Cyber Attacks in History

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Generally, I am quite good at techy stuff and I thought I had protection against the malware and spyware, I felt confident that I never have to combat cyber attack. But to my surprise, recently I have been a victim of cyber-attack. Yes, just like anybody else I also had a harrowing experience. I immediately called up one of my best friends Jason, who is well-versed in dealing with cyber attacks and related issues. He really proved helpful in getting me out of this technical ordeal but at the same time he did gave me some tips that will protect me from such attacks in future like setting difficult passwords, clearing browsing history and changing passwords regularly.


As Jason was doing his techy stuff, meanwhile I started a topic of the most destructive cyber-attacks in the history. He said that he has a fair knowledge of the most notorious cyber attacks that have taken place so far. He started by saying that the main culprits behind all this hacking thing are the hackers or ‘hactivists’ (he joked). Read more…

Top 10 Most Dangerous Computer Viruses

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When the world was introduced to the home computer, it was also introduced to the virus. Especially since the Internet came about more and more opportunities have arose for tech-savvy types who want to infect other people’s systems for fun or profit. Even though antivirus software has become very sophisticated over the years a good backup is still necessary in 2016.


Some viruses and other malware are nothing but an annoyance, quickly removed from a system and forgotten soon after. But some have had a real impact on the world and the way we use computers, even adding new words to the language. Let’s take a look at ten that have come up over the years. Read more…

10 Useful Tips to Secure Your Cloud Data

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Are you almost always persisting to use cloud services to save your data? Well, you are not the only person in the world to think that way and so your ambivalence is valid. However, it is best to know that cloud-based storage services are here for good. These happen to be the ultimate solutions for storing the data online, with an ease of access whenever you want and wherever you want.


While it may seem tempting, people still raise concerns regarding the matter in terms of security. Who knows someone can just sneak into your cloud data and access the sensitive information that you stored on cloud merely to save space on your hard disk. It certainly sounds like a hard bargain. Therefore it is advisable to take precautionary measures before it’s too late. Read more…

10 Easy Ways to Access Blocked Websites

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Access to a wide variety of websites is blocked by many authorities across the world. Extreme cases, such as China, use their own firewall systems to block out the majority of the internet; in other places you may find your college or workplace blocks all access to social media sites.


Sometimes, this is a necessary tool; it may be a matter of government security or simply policy. There is usually a way round the blocks but you should ensure what you are doing is legal. We’re totally aware that as technology keeps advancing, the internet becomes more and more dangerous. Many countries have restrictions; however, they’re constantly breached by hackers with bad intentions. Read more…

Top 20 Popular Online Scams and Dangerous Frauds

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Internet these days is full of frauds and scams; you think you are looking at something but it may turn out to be the exact opposite of it. As much advantages as an Internet offers to every person, there are also a number of scams attached with this experience that you must look out for. Such scams can affect a person one way or the other without them even realizing it.


If you are also among those who are tired of being hit by several online scams, then below you will learn the top 20 online scams that should be avoided at all costs: Read more…

Mobile Accounting Tips: Communicate Securely with Your Clients

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Pedaling on the might of technology, accounting has left the pen and paper based accounting years behind to meet the computerized solutions. Among them, cloud-based hosting of accounting software has earned praiseworthy favoritism from SMBs and CPAs. One of the major reasons of the praise is the mobile-friendly feature of cloud accounting. Cloud technology has positively influenced the unforeseen rise in the mobile device (laptop, tablet, smartphones, etc.) technology with device-independency and multi-user collaboration being its most profitable earnings.


On the other hand, the traditional security measures have altered for accounting operations with accounting and hence, its security measures have changed. The following are very crucial security tips that every CPA must remember while handling accounting operations on mobile devices. Read more…

Choosing a Secure Web Hosting to Keep Enterprise’s Data Safe

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Every day, a huge amount of data is being created and shared by companies online. With this growing amount of data comes the need for storage space and a platform that can handle big data analysis. Web hosting companies are at the forefront of providing data storage solutions. The most innovative of these hosting companies have also addressed the need for big data processing and analytics.


Due to growing big data needs that companies experience today, the web hosting industry has evolved to become more robust. Partnerships with software vendors, for instance, provide customers with additional benefits when using a host service. Read more…