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Category: Mobile

Top 20 Virtual Reality Apps for 360 Degree Experience

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Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology, which uses virtual reality headsets for generating realistic images, sound, and other sensations, which creates an environment that cheats the human brain and introduces a virtual world that feels real. The image is so real that you cannot differentiate between real and virtual images. As we sometimes, get to see in a science fiction movie, today it has become a reality.


VR can give you wings to fly in any corner of the world. Yes! Using Google Cardboard with a compatible device, you can experience 360-degree view on your android or IOS’ Google Earth App. The experience is reel but feels real. You can climb Mount Everest in the virtual world where you can gaze at the lofty Himalayas. You can feel the air brushing your cheeks; feel the cold in the virtual world with Cardboard’s 360-degree experience. Read more…

4 Smartphone Tech Predictions Made in 2013 Already Came True

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A decade has passed since Apple revealed the first smartphone as we know it, the iPhone. Since then, the handsets themselves have evolved a lot, and so did the world around us thanks to their effect. Today we have fast mobile internet connections so we can visit a live streaming online casino website and play against a real dealer or watch a concert transmitted via the internet in real time, from half a world away.


A series of specialists have made a set of predictions about the future of the smartphone back in 2013. Today, let us take a look at some of these, to see how right (or wrong) they are, five years later. Read more…

How Apple Changes The Way You Use The New iPhone

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First launched in 2007, Apple’s iconic iPhone has been the engine that drives the world’s most valuable company.


To mark a decade of phenomenal success, Apple recently launched the iPhone 8 and the 8 Plus. These versions mark a departure from previous models. Notably, changes in the user experience. Read more…

How to Fix Crashing Apps on iPhone

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As we all have the best and clear idea regarding the use of modern gadgets in our life. There are multiple of things in which we have got busy our life and without them, we can’t manage the things sufficiently. iPhone is one of the best inventions of Apple which have spread all over the world rapidly. There are multiple of users on an iPhone in the world. They really prefer to use the iPhone due to its reliability and speed.


If you are an iPhone user and you probably feel sometimes that the application which you are using stops working efficiently or misbehaving, then you need not take the stress of this problem anymore. Read more…

How to Find Your Lost Android Phones & iPhone

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Are you really much tired of losing your keys, wallet, and phones now? This is the obvious thing because human nature is quite used to of this situation and they make such types of mistakes most of the time. Many of us have the situation when we lost our mobile phone somewhere or theft by any mishap.


Now there are multiples of apps have introduced by the Android and iOS developers that will allow you to find out your lost or theft phone current location respectively. Furthermore, you will get to know more specifications related to the apps. Read more…

Comparison: iPhone X vs Samsung Galaxy S8 & iPhone 8 vs Nokia 8

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Apple’s and Samsung’s annual presentations of new products each time become the most significant events for the whole industry that dictate new trends for the rest of developers. The products of these companies always tend to keep the leading positions in a list of the best-selling gadgets right until they release a new product.


However, in 2017 the picture is a bit different. This year, Samsung has adjusted its own schedule and postponed the presentation to the end of March instead of traditional end of February. Apple, in its turn, decided to surprise everyone in honor of its 10th anniversary and release two devices at once instead of waiting a year until the next fall to present a new phone. Also, we were surprised by Nokia. The company’s new smartphone – Nokia 8 has helped it to rise after a series of failed products and bring the company to the list of world leaders again. Read more…

15 Cool Augmented Reality Apps for Shopping

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As always, retailers are doing their best to harness the newest technological innovations to provide the best shopping experience to buyers. From being able to touch products by hand to shoppable store windows, retailers are leaving no stone unturned, their latest being the use of augmented reality for shopping. With shopping becoming more about a blend of online, mobile and traditional brick-and-mortar stores, brands are looking into more innovative ways to capture customer attention. Augmented reality allows customers to engage with brands in a completely new way.


So, how different is augmented reality (AR) from virtual reality (VR)? Both are controlled by the computer environment and manipulated with instinctive motions. The main difference lies in the blending of the real and virtual, found majorly in AR in which users do not require any specialized hardware at all. Using smartphone apps, one can easily augment reality shopping with the usual traditional ways of selecting products at the store. Read more…

iPhone App Development: What’s New for Developers in iOS 11

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A curiosity ends with the introduction of iOS 11 on 5th of June 2017. It is the next-generation version of iOS. This update takes the best and most advanced operating system and turns it up to 11. But with iOS 11 was released to the public on 19 September 2017 and since then, there have been two distinct updates to iOS 11.02 which fixed the earpiece noise during phone calls; and the major iOS 11.1.


iOS 10 was an operating system update that largely ignored the iPad, but Apple made up for it in iOS 11 with a range of iPad only features that cater to users who want to use the tablet as a full PC replacement. Read more…

15 Facts About iPhone’s Facial Recognition: Good or Bad Idea?

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When Apple introduced its latest iPhone X lately, there were plenty of new features including sharper display, upgrading camera, wireless charging, etc. most of all, the feature that really got the attention of people was the phone’s 3-D facial recognition system. It is the feature that uses a 3D scan of the user’s face for the recognition of his identity, and eventually unlock the device after it. However it is a huge advancement over a fingerprint reader, it would have also been suggested as an easy and much more natural action for user to perform – the user simply looks at the phone and it gets unlocked. Since Apple is working on its convenience angle really hard, you don’t need to worry for unlocking your phone if your fingers are wet.


On the other hand, such face biometric raised a lot of security questions inevitably. There has always been a greatly high-pitched Twitter Chatter on the topic, which includes many speculations that could be put into action against the person to unlock their device even in their presence. Read more…

20 Powerful Language Translation Apps for Travelers

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A mobile translator is a very convenient application, since the smartphone is an ordinary attribute among people and when it is often necessary to translate foreign words. For example, if you are traveling or writing text in foreign language, the translator is an irreplaceable thing.


We have selected, perhaps, the best free translators that will be helpful for travelers, foreigners, students and those who are learning a new language. They are easily accessible and you can download them to your smartphone from the App Store or Google Play Store. Some programs can work without the internet (offline), other applications require constant access to the web. This will be mentioned in special category. Read more…

10 Dangerous Threats When Using iPhone X’s Face ID

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Breaking news: among all the additional benefits, iPhone X has surprised its followers with one more feature: Face ID. Let’s face the truth: using this function seems to be a great idea. At first. From now on, you don’t need any passwords or fingerprints: you may perform various operations simply with the help of your gaze. Luring, isn’t it? However, as it often goes in our lives, everything is not so perfect as it might seem at the first sight.


So what are the real drawbacks when it comes to using iPhone X’s Face ID? Read more…

What? 10 Ways Apple and Nokia Can Work Together?

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Did u know that now-days the best selling phone of this era is the Apple iPhone. It’s the largest and one of the best brands among mobile phones with its latest design and shape. Somehow Nokia is also following some of the trends of the Apple. The best thing about Nokia is that it is easy to buy while apple is a bit costly and mostly people do not buy this because of its cost. Both have trendy feature sand also some major differences.


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15 Popular iPhone Apps to Track Your Flight Status

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Smartphone users want to have it all just by using their devices. Whether you are packing for your next flight or getting ready to pick a loved one, you would want to be sure of the flight timings to reach the airport on time. To know about the flight status if it is on time or delayed due to maintenance or weather conditions, you can always download an iPhone app designed for tracking flights. We are presenting you with a list of flight tracking apps that provide information on arrivals, departures, gate details, and real-time progress.


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15 New iPhone 8 Smart Features That’ll Make You Say Wow

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After the release of the iPhone 7 Plus, people were shocked by the missing headphone jack. With the release of the iPhone 8 imminent, some are wondering what they can expect from this newest version of the phone. If you’re interested in what Apple may be brewing up, read on for 15 features and secrets you can expect from the new iPhone release.


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15 Tips to Help You Get More Podcast Subscribers

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The growing popularity of podcasts is similar with blogs in many ways. Blogs are making it big as an avenue for people to create their own magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and now podcasts. It continues to harvest fame as a useful platform for anyone who wants to make their own radio show. In fact, numbers don’t lie as 67 million Americans listen to podcasts every month, the figures are simply astonishing.

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Nowadays, setting up a podcast is a piece of cake with the help of professional broadcasting equipment that is available for a fraction of the price. Anyone can host their own show. But, what is a show with only a few listeners next to nothing? Sure, your family and your friends might tune in, but how do you grow from there? How will you attract more audience? Read more…