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Tag: web development resources

30 Best AdSense Optimized WordPress Themes for 2018

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A key factor that is necessary for having an online presence is a proper website & if we go by the reports, they claim that more than 22% of the websites are powered by WordPress. However, we have to be careful to find the right fit when it comes to picking a WordPress Theme. We’ve handpicked some stylish and cool themes that are elegant, clean, and responsively fit for all devices. These selected themes are all AdSense Optimized since insertion of Google AdSense enables your website to be making revenues without many efforts.


Many of these AdSense optimized themes come with support and are built with design options and features that make the entire web design process of building a website easy. WordPress has a wide range of free and premium themes which can be used diversely. These themes make it easy to earn from Google Ads, as for design the possibilities are endless. Take your time and find a theme that best suits your needs. Read more…

7 Great Qualities All Small Business Websites Need to Have

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Creating a website for your business is just the beginning. You need to optimize this site so that people can find it and navigate it easily. There are a number of tools to help you build your website, but its success ultimately boils down to the decisions you make and the fixtures you choose to put on the site. Here are several qualities you do not want your website to be without.


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Top 20 CSS Web Animation Builders and Tools

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Wondering how the overall look of websites is being changed with the facilitation of the brand new technologies? 2018 will be the greatest year in the history of web development and animation in terms of the vibrant and most effective tools that are brought to give the sophisticated and powerful designs to websites that have cultivated the sources in bringing the large traffic in just a few minutes. Here is the list of the top 20 web animation builders and tools that are helping in providing the splendid animated elements to a very attractive website.


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15 Tips: How To Choose JavaScript Framework

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JavaScript continues to rise in popularity. IBM named JavaScript the best programming language to learn. Today, it is used on both the client and server sides. Javascript helps design interfaces that are beautiful, meaningful and highly responsive to functions and features.


Javascript frameworks act as the backbone of web application development. Developers don’t have to worry about code or its maintenance while they focus on creating high-quality software. Read more…

10 Online Freemium Tools for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs

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I often hear this question “what tools and platforms do you leverage to get your website, application, and marketing work done?” I recommend them the best applications all the time but start-ups, specifically young entrepreneurs don’t have a big marketing budget. They can’t afford monthly BigCommerce subscriptions (for their eCommerce stores) or can’t buy WooRank package to get done with their website audits.


In this post, I am going to cover 10 best online tools and applications that will help you in a variety of uses and needs, from website creation to SEO audit to SMO, email marketing and lots more. Without blowing time, here are the 10 freemium tools for your online marketing needs: Read more…

20 Must-Have Blogging Tools to Promote Your Content

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Many bloggers sometimes wish that some aspects of their profession were easier. Content promotion certainly leads the list of these aspects, as it requires a tremendous effort and time investment. Besides, the competition is fierce. According to the 2017 data presented by Hosting Fact, there are more than 2 million blog posts published on the Internet every day. Worldometers even has a feature that shows how many blog posts are written each day.


How does one increase the chance for success in this vast sea of content? Clearly, standing out among millions of other bloggers is overwhelming. But there is no reason to panic. There are different content promotion tools for you to use. In this article, we’ll review twenty tools just for that. Read more…

20 WP-Config Snippets to Configure WordPress Site

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WordPress is one of the simplest yet most efficient content management systems out there, allowing you to have a website up and running with just a few clicks, with little to no technical skills necessary in the process. However, while most of the basic settings can be configured through the use of the visual interface WordPress Admin, additional customization is possible though wp-config.php – a file that contains numerous parameters for your new site. It is important to note that wp-config.php contains a lot of settings that can make or break your website, so make sure you have a backup copy of it you can use in case things go south.


Now that you’re all set, here are 20 wp-config snippets to configure your WordPress site and make it more secure. Read more…

Top 40 Best Web Hosting Services for Blogs & Websites

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The current global hosting market size is estimated at around $12.3 billion and will grow at an expected rate of 26% over the next 4 years. Regardless of the kind of website you have, a quality web hosting service is always required to make your website efficiently visible on the Internet. Without high quality web hosting, your ability to run a perfect website is seriously hindered. There are number of companies in the market providing services pertaining to website hosting.


Now, which are the companies providing the best hosting services? That is a tough question to answer but there are certainly some we can shortlist based on various attributes like price, usability, area of focus, customer support and scalability. Here is a list of top 40 best web hosting services for blogs and websites. Read more…

20 Tools to Analyze Your Website Codes

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Can you only imagine checking the code manually, reading each line to find bugs? It would take almost the same time as the development itself and would never guarantee the quality. But the solution exists – now lot’s of static analysis tools are available to help the coders detect serious bugs on the early stages of development. That allows fixing the defects before the code is given to the QA team. As you know, bugs found later are always more expensive to fix.


Static analysis – is a software analysis accomplished without actually running the software. Such kind of analysis is not performed in a runtime environment. The obvious advantage of such tools is the possibility to examine the code of both web and mobile applications. Moreover, static analysis detects bugs and flaws that cannot be found during web scanning alone. Read more…

15 Tips to Make Use of WordPress Pingbacks and Trackbacks

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You are bound to hear a lot about Trackback and Pingbacks, but have you ever thought how it can be useful to you? Trackback was to provide a method of notification between the two websites. It ensures peer-to-peer communication between the blogs. Pingback is another WordPress feature that informs you that someone has added a link to your post.


In this post, we will explain the difference between the two and tips to use them for your WordPress sites. Read more…

25 Free SEO eBooks to Boost Your Website’s Traffic

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In today’s contemporary and changing society in relation to technology and media, SEO or search engine optimization has become an integral part of growing your firm or website. SEO will help your business grow and meet business goals.


Along with various major factors of brand building like content, social media marketing, public relations and analytics, one of the major factors to grow your website is SEO which helps your site show up in the top most searches to reach your target audience easier. Read more…

Top 20 Sneaky Tools to Spy on Your Competitors

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If you have tools that help you monitor your web performance, then they can also help you collect data from your competitors. Although some of them might look familiar and already being used by you, they help evaluate other competitors in the market. Search has been such a dominant factor in the web era, as internet has grown extensively. Thus you have to take into consideration various factors while spying on other companies or let’s just say your competitors.


This is where the marketing tools come into play. Here in this article we discuss some of the best marketing tools that are designed to do the job of being sneaky enough and still be able to capture information for you from your competitors. Read more…

20 Powerful CSS Tools for Pro Web Designers

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If you are looking for 20 best CSS tools for web design and development, then this article is very useful for you, as it provides the information regarding top 20 best tools that are used in web design and development.


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10 Most Harmful Mobile SEO Mistakes

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People are constantly on their mobiles, which is a huge opportunity for marketers. While desktop usage is still important, we need to focus more and more on the mobile boom. To get the most out of your mobile consumers, you should make sure that their experience on your site is optimised.


Here are the 10 most harmful mobile SEO mistakes to avoid: Read more…

20 Most Wanted .htaccess Snippets for WordPress Sites

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For the WordPress newbie, .htaccess may be a new or unknown. But, let me tell you, it is a heart of the server. The .htaccess file is a powerful configuration file to control the Web Server of the website. This file centralises the security of all directories and sub-directories. Thus, it is used to secure the file from the hackers and different vulnerabilities. The popular use of .htaccess includes authorization, blocking, MIME types, set Charset, page redirect, and others.


So, we’re going to reveal the crucial .htaccess snippets for WordPress sites in this article. Read more…