We all know that we can make changes to a WordPress website by exhausting some good web development skills to improve the aesthetics of the website and optimize the visitor journeys to improve the conversions. But what should you do if your business is not receiving the anticipated number of phone calls, emails or orders? What wrong are we doing by creating a fancy new website with a blog, while the previous simple website had been bringing in more conversions than the new one? Let’s read on!
10 Ways to Play Games and Become a Millionaire
If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of those video gaming fanatics who love to tire your thumbs and fingers with gamepads, keyboards, and mice for hours and hours. Of course when we say it like that it sounds as if you are wasting your life away with this, but what if we told you otherwise?
To further clarify, what if we told you that you could make millions just by playing video games? No, you didn’t read that wrong; it is very much a reality indeed. Gaming has constantly been on the rise for so many years that now some of the games that we see like GTA V and Call of Duty, are surpassing even the film industry itself. Read more…
What You Can Learn About Website Design from Gaming Websites
We’ve already witnessed that they have created some pretty great games — as witnessed by their consistent status atop gaming best-seller lists — but how have some of the most popular video game creators designed their own websites?
The following types of design elements can make or break a gaming company’s website — and spell the difference between an effective site that increases customer awareness and sale or one that sends them clicking away to other sites. Read more…
How to Create a Mobile App (iOS & Android) for WordPress Blog
In today’s times, whether you’re a pro blogger, an online publisher, or a news website, it is vital to have a mobile application. According to the latest stats published by Flurry, an apps analytics company, the average US consumer spends two hours and forty twenty minutes daily on mobile devices, and 86% of that time surfing apps.
A native mobile application makes good sense to monetize your WordPress blog and to build a broad audience base. However, creating a mobile application is not everyone’s cup of tea, especially for the bloggers, those who don’t have any coding knowledge, and the experience to get their hands dirty with PHP, Drupal, or any other mobile app building platform. On the other hand, hiring a professional developer is also not a sensible move for bloggers with not enough funds. Read more…
Top 10 Proven Tips for Winning Auctions on eBay
Shopping on eBay is all about getting unique collectibles and amazing products at a great price. However, participating in eBay auctions is also a thrill. And you can tell just by looking how much people sometimes bid on crazy items.
If you just began your shopping adventure on eBay, you might lose on many auctions. But don’t get discouraged! Here are 10 bidding strategies to help you win auctions on eBay and get the items you want at the best price. Read more…
15 Most Wanted Google Flights Tips for Cheap & Better Travel
Google Flights is a product of Google which assist both the avid and infrequent travelers in planning their trips. These are the variety of tools offered by Google Flights:
Top Rated TV Streaming Media Players for Your Consideration
A media streaming player is one of the coolest gadgets you can buy and are very useful too. It allows you to stream media on your television set via the Internet. There are many devices available that way, and they are not that expensive either. So, if you don’t have a smart TV or a Blu-ray player or other game systems connected already to the TV, then go on and get one of these Media Streaming devices as soon as possible.
In this article, we bring you the 10 top rated media streaming devices which you may buy. Buying these is a big fad now-a-days and enables you to watch many other many channels from all over the planet at your home on your TV. You don’t need a smart TV for this either. Read more…
Top 20 Free Sites to Download High-Quality Stock Videos
In the web designing these days, the background videos have become an essential factor. Following are some sites which allow free download of such videos:
Top 15 Best GPS Pet Trackers for Dogs and Cats
Thanks to smartphones, tablets, and computerized watches, we no longer have to worry about getting lost in the middle of nowhere. We have GPS or Google Maps to help us move around. More than that, there are even gadgets designed for tracking the location of our pets.
Purchasing a pet tracker for your four-legged friends is a great idea. Especially, if it keeps sneaking into different places every now and then. However, which one is really worth its money? How do they work? Which one is better: a GPS or a Radio Tracker? Read more…
Are You a Procrastinator? Here are 15 Solutions
A few habits that are commonly found in majority of individuals tend to destroy their life because while they may not seem to be very serious, they actually are very harmful. One of these habits is procrastination that is most commonly found among the young individuals, students to be specific.
Procrastination literally refers to the act of delaying a task out of laziness or some other reasons. A survey revealed that high school and college students were found to have the highest rates of procrastination when it comes to the completion of assignments and projects. Read more…
Top 20 Prototyping Tools for UI and UX Designers
The professional UI and UX designers have been turning up with new ideas and concepts while developing their web projects – be it a website or a mobile app. They keep themselves updated with the latest tools and technologies with the ultimate goal to provide rich experiences to the web visitors. And to achieve this, they are using prototyping tools in their web design and development toolkit. These tools make it easy to plan and structure different aspects of a site or an app quickly and efficiently.
You must be thinking that why prototyping tools play a crucial role in web design? To answer this question, we bring you this blog post where we will understand the meaning of prototype and explore the 20 prototyping tools that will improve the UI and UX of your web project. Read more…
Top 20 Customer Feedback Tools to Improve Conversion
Making sure that a mobile application development company is operating at peak performance can be difficult to accomplish. One of the most effective methods improving sales is obtained customer feedback. Whether you manage an iPhone app development company or an Android app development company, when it comes to customer feedback tools, deciding on which tools to use can be a challenge.
In order to help you find the right tools, we have created a list of 20 tools that can help streamline the feedback process and analyze the data efficiently. Read more…