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20 Facts and Secrets Facebook Knows About You

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Almost all of us are found on Facebook. The charm of Facebook has inveigled all of us in some ways. Since the creation of Facebook in 2004, it has set different trends in social world and played an important role in connecting different people from all over the world.


People from different socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities are found on Facebook. And with the passage of time more functions are added in Facebook. People use Facebook for socialization, for getting in touch with their friends and family, to get updates on events and happenings and the list goes on. Read more…

Top 30 Mobile UI Kits for iOS and Android App Developers

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When it comes to application development, UI and UX are the most noteworthy terms that every developer is familiar with. UI stands for User Interface which means how an app looks and interacts with the users. On the other hand, UX stands for User Experience which defines experiences users gain or feel on using an app.


For the success of a mobile application, it is necessary that users must have a pleasing experience while using the app. They must be fascinated by the visual appeal of an app. Moreover, nicely designed UI will help you avoid app uninstalls and bounce rates. Read more…

15 Awesome Gboard Features, Tips & Tricks You Can’t Miss

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As a mobile heavy society has taken over, different keyboards have appeared. Arguably one the greatest of these is Gboard, created by none other than Google.


Why exactly should you use it, though? What sets it apart from a handset’s default keyboard though and what can it do for you? Read more…

20 Most Sought After Google Apps Scripts

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There is something about the Google Apps Scripts that we should all learn. This happens to be the newest obsession, i.e. Google Apps Scripts. What you do is you add a certain code to a Google document so that you renders it capable of doing mystical things straight from the world of Doctor Strange (um… Marvel reference). The best part about Google Apps Scriptsis that you don’t have to be a seasoned coder/programmer in order to understand and be successful at it.


To be able to delve into Google Apps Scripts you need to be aware, at least a bit about JavaScript. There are websites online which you can search and refer to for JavaScript tutorial, but as stated above, you don’t have to drink the entire contents of the cup to be really in control when coding Google Apps Scripts. Read more…

Latest Facebook Privacy and Security Features to Protect Users

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Facebook, from the past many years; has gained the reputation of being a largest online social network podium across the globe. The influence of Facebook is too wide and its usability is so convenient that people of all ages such as a teenager, youth and senior citizens can even access it without any hassle. More than this, it has gained popularity in remote areas of every country in such a manner that you easily get connected and can interact with parents, neighbours, relatives and the known ones.


But sometimes, you may get confronted with uncertain problems that have breached your FB account security and privacy. With the consistent arising of problems in Facebook, the merits between public and private space are getting diminished or blurred consistently as the time passes by. Without being aware of FB security and privacy features, you might end up becoming prey to identity theft, malicious activities as well as phishing attack plotted by the scammers and cyberpunks. Read more…

Top 20 Best Music Production Software for Beginners and Pros

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In the modern era, technological advancements and innovations have allowed people to do anything and whatever thing that they like with no trouble. The developments and progressions in the field of technology have results in the growth of software. Today, people can buy software for almost any purposes. You can find software for business as well as entertainment purposes. The coming of software have assisted people to make their jobs so easy and it has several advantages as well, including better security, superior productivity and lesser running costs.


People can observe plenty of software related to the music industry. In music field, everything needs not to be made manually these days and music producers have started to mix their brilliance with the growing technology. Music related software allows people who produce music to tune their music perfect and tremendous. Read more…

15 Most Wanted Telegram Messenger App Tips & Tricks

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Are you an avid Telegram App user? Great! You’re at the right place.
Here you’ll discover the 15 cool tips and tricks of Telegram:


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20 Google Photos Tips and Tricks You Must Learn

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Google has come up with a great variety of apps that is widely available in all android devices and can be downloaded in iOS devices. Google has come up with a hub-like place where you can find almost any app that you need. They provided those basic applications that a user may need. Access your email at Google Mail, do your research in Google Search, have an online storage called drive, watch and upload videos in YouTube, get directions from Maps, upload and share pictures in Google Photos and so much more.


Google provides that ease of access and sharing for all its users. Some people are not aware or familiar with the other application; that is why right now we will be focusing with Google Photos. We will list down some of the tips and tricks that you can do when you use it. Read more…

Top 20 Best File Encryption Tools for Privacy Protection

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Cyber security is a real problem in today’s digital world. According to Symantec, nearly 1 million cyber-attacks occurred daily in 2015. Symantec also reports that up to 75 percent of websites contain unpatched vulnerabilities, which puts everyone online at risk.


One way to mitigate your risk of becoming a cyber-attack victim is to encrypt your data. That way, even if someone does get their hands on your data, it drastically reduces the chance that they can actually use it against you. Check out these top 20 file encryption tools that will help ensure your privacy online and on your desktop, listed in no particular order. Read more…

Top 20 Privacy Protection Apps & Tools You Should Install

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As the world gets more digitally driven and the number of smartphone users increase, there are rising concerns about how individual and corporate privacy may be protected. In the light of the Snowden files, people have become more aware about the reality of privacy breaches and digital intrusion. Suddenly your personal details or files may not be so personal anymore.


To guard against cyber-ware and malicious attack, here are 20 privacy protection apps you can install on your mobile. Read more…

20 Latest Facebook Timeline Tips & Tricks You Must Learn

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In the present moment, Facebook is the biggest existent social network in the entire world. Most people use it in order to communicate, to share things, and to “have a social image”. Facebook is doing its best to offer better user experiences as the time passes.


During today’s article, we’ll take a look at 20 Facebook timeline tips and tricks. If you’re using a social network, you’d better do it right. Learning few tricks and tricks never hurt anybody, so let’s begin: Read more…

20 Useful Google Allo Tips, Tricks and Hacks

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Google Allo app has been with us for a while (yeah, four months is a lot in today’s world). Thanks to practical design and a nice set of features, it appeared to become a worthy contender for WhatsApp and Telegram. If you haven’t tried it yet, you should definitely give it a test drive.


In this article we are going to discuss tips and tricks you can use to get the maximum of Allo app. Read more…

Top 12 YouTube Channels for Learning Gaming Tricks

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YouTube is one of the top ranking videos watching website all over the world and has videos related to almost everything. If you are a gamer, likes to play games or want to learn new tricks of gaming there are some YouTube channels you should subscribe and learn some cool stuff.


Many professional and non-professional gamers have created their YouTube channel and have different exciting videos for the audience who love games. There are reviews of new and old games on their channel, some tips, and tricks, as well as they, rate different games according to their likings. Read more…

15 Tricks to Make Your Home Videos Look Professional

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Have you ever wondered how you could make your home videos look more professional? Are you tired of shaky cams when you plug and play it at home? I now that troubled feeling and watching videos on TV and YouTube always made me wonder “what they did differently?” to make it appear engaging as well as appealing to the viewer. What I found was, they poured themselves into the art of video shooting.


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Top 15 Websites to Learn Ethical Hacking Like a Pro

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Ethical hacking is a practice that does not undermine digital rights of another party. The hacker gets access to his or her desired online source.


Ethical hacker is watchman for different websites who explores system’s weaknesses that a criminal computer expert can use in order to gain access to various online platforms. Ethical hacker does not destroy information or data. He or she reports directly to the organizational management to inform about potential vulnerability of the system. An ethical hacker also proactively works in order to resolve various security issues. Read more…